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from time to time to an amount not exceeding five hundred thousand dollars, for defraying expenses hereafter to be incurred by said city for sewers and drains, and for water; and all expenditures and indebtedness heretofore incurred by said city for sewers and drains and water are hereby confirmed; and said city council may issue the notes, bonds or certificates of indebtedness of said city, bearing interest payable semi-annually, and redeemable at such times as they shall direct, for all sums of money borrowed under authority of this act.

SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved February 20, 1872.

AN ACT TO INCORPORATE THE TOWN OF NORWOOD. Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

Chap. 32.

town of Nor

SECTION 1. All the territory now within the towns of Ded- Limits of the ham and Walpole, in the county of Norfolk, comprised within wood. the following limits, that is to say: Beginning at the point where the southerly side of Canton street crosses the dividing line between the towns of Canton and Dedham; thence running north-westerly on the south-westerly side of said Canton street, about three thousand feet, to a point dividing the lands of John and Luther Eaton; thence running from said point, on a line in the direction of the old parish boundary now standing at the junction of Centre street and East street, until said line strikes and crosses Downey street at a point about thirteen hundred and two feet from a monument at the corner of Downey street and Everett street; thence running westerly to a point on Everett street about thirty-six feet northerly of a stone monument on said Everett street; thence running westerly on the northerly side of Everett street, and crossing Centre street, to the street-boundary post on the southerly side of Clapboard-tree street, near the south-westerly abutment of the Boston, Hartford and Erie railroad bridge, near Ellis's station; thence running westerly by the southerly side of Clapboard-tree street, to the angle in said street, which is about forty-five rods west of Jeremiah W. Gay's house; thence in a straight line toward the corner of land of Samuel Cheney, on Winter street, twentyone rods north of the house of said Samuel Cheney, until said line strikes and crosses Nahatan street about three hundred and nine feet southerly from the north corner of Ebenezer Gay's land; thence in a straight line passing through the easterly line of the junction of Oak street and Brook street, to the dividing line between the towns of Dedham and Walpole; then following the said dividing line south


Powers and


Taxes, how to be assessed, col

easterly to a monument where Brook street crosses Babbling brook, at a point south of, and near to the house of James R. Fisher; thence in a straight line to a monument on the east side of the old post-road, on land now or late of the heirs of Isaac Fisher; thence by the lines dividing the town of Dedham from the towns of Walpole, Sharon and Canton respectively, to the point of beginning, is hereby incorporated into a town by the name of Norwood; and said town is hereby invested with all the powers, privileges, rights and immunities, and is subject to all the duties and requisitions to which other towns are entitled and subject by the constitution and laws of this Commonwealth.

SECTION 2. The inhabitants of said town of Norwood lected, and paid. shall be holden to pay all arrears of taxes which have been legally assessed upon them by the towns of Dedham and Walpole respectively; and all taxes heretofore assessed and not collected shall be collected and paid to the treasurers of the towns of Dedham and Walpole, in the same manner as if this act had not been passed; and, until the next general valuation of estates in this Commonwealth, the town of Norwood shall annually pay to the said towns of Dedham and Walpole, respectively, the proportion of any state or county tax which the said towns of Dedham and Walpole, respectively, may be required to pay upon the inhabitants or estates hereby set off,-said proportion to be ascertained and determined by the respective valuations of Dedham and Walpole next preceding the passage of this act.

Support of paupers.

SECTION 3. Said towns of Dedham, Walpole and Norwood shall respectively be liable for the support of all persons who now do, or shall hereafter stand in need of relief as paupers, whose settlement was gained by or derived from a settlement gained or derived within their respective limits. And said town of Norwood shall pay annually to said town of Dedham one-fifth part of all costs of the support or relief of those persons who now do, or shall hereafter stand in need of relief or support as paupers, and who have gained a settlement in said town of Dedham in consequence of the military services of themselves, or of those through whom they derive their settlement.

SECTION 4. Said towns of Dedham, Walpole and Norwood to retain wood shall each retain and hold all the town property, real erty belonging or personal, now in or belonging to their respective limits; to their respect and the town of Norwood shall assume and pay its just and equitable proportions (according to its present assessed valpaid according uation) of any debt due or owing from the towns of Dedham Value of towns. or Walpole respectively, at the time of the passage of this

Dedham, Walpole, and Nor

corporate prop

Debts to be

to assessed

to be appointed


act; and shall be entitled to receive from said towns, respectively, its just and equitable proportion (according to said assessed valuation, and a valuation hereafter to be made) of all corporate property then owned by said towns of Dedham and Walpole respectively, including in said calculations all the property named in this section. And if the property retained and held by said town of Norwood, as aforesaid, Commissioners shall exceed its just and equitable proportion of said corpo- by superior rate property, it shall refund to said towns of Dedham and court, if towns Walpole, respectively, such sums as shall make such proportions just and equitable. In case the valuations or proportions aforesaid cannot be agreed upon by the said towns of Dedham or Walpole, respectively, with said town of Norwood, the same shall be determined by three commissioners, neither of whom shall be residents in said county of Norfolk, to be appointed by the superior court for said county of Norfolk, upon the petition of either of said towns, and said petition may be filed, and appointments made in vacation. Said town of Norwood shall be held to refund to said towns of Dedham and Walpole, respectively, its just proportion of the surplus revenue, whenever the same shall be called for, according to law, such proportion to be determined by the decennial state valuation next preceding such call.

for election of

SECTION 5. Any justice of the peace within and for the First meeting county of Norfolk, may issue his warrant, directed to any town officers. inhabitant of the town of Norwood, requiring him to notify and warn the inhabitants thereof who may be qualified to vote in town affairs, to meet at the time and place therein appointed, for the purpose of choosing all such town officers as towns are by law authorized and required to choose at their annual meetings; and the officers so chosen, when qualified, shall hold their respective offices until the annual meeting of the year eighteen hundred and seventy-three, and until others are chosen to fill their several places. Said warrant shall be served by publishing a copy thereof in two newspapers, each published in said county of Norfolk, and by posting up copies thereof (all attested by the person to whom the same is directed) in three public places in said town of Norwood, seven days, at least, before said time of meeting. Said justice, or, in his absence, such inhabitant required to notify the meeting, shall preside until the choice of a moderator in said meeting.


SECTION 6. The selectmen of the towns of Walpole and Selectmen of Dedham respectively, shall, before said meeting, prepare Dedham to prelists of voters in said town of Norwood, who are residents in pare lists of that portion of territory which is set off from their respect- liver to presi

voters and de


Election of representatives to the general court, senators,

ive towns by this act, and who are qualified to vote at such meeting, and shall deliver the same to the person presiding at such meeting, before the choice of a moderator thereof.

SECTION 7. The territory of the town of Norwood which has heretofore been a part of Dedham, shall, for the purpose

councillors, and of electing a representative to congress, remain a part of the

members of congress.

Territory heretofore a part of Walpole to re

congressional district, numbered seven, until legally changed; and for the purpose of electing a councillor, shall remain a part of councillor district, numbered two, until legally changed; and for the purpose of electing a senator shall remain a part of the second Norfolk senatorial district, until legally changed; and for the purpose of electing a representative to the general court, shall remain a part of the first Norfolk representative district, until legally changed. And the inhabitants on said territory shall vote for each of said officers in the town of Norwood. The selectmen and clerk of said town of Norwood, in each of said cases, shall make returns as if said town had existed at the time of the formation of said districts. And said clerk shall meet with the clerk of said town of Dedham, at the town clerk's office in said Dedham, whenever it may be requisite, for the purpose of ascertaining the results of any of said elections of representation to the general court and making certificate of the same according to law.

SECTION 8. The territory of the town of Norwood which has heretofore been a part of the town of Walpole, shall, district present for the several purposes mentioned in the seventh section of

and inhabitants to vote in Walpole.

Town clerk of Norwood to furnish list of voters to town clerk of Walpole.

Norwood to bear expense

this act, remain, until legally changed in the several districts, in which it has heretofore been, and the inhabitants thereof, shall, in each of said cases, until legally changed, continue to vote in the town of Walpole; but shall be assessed and taxed only as inhabitants of the town of Norwood, and shall pay the same only to the proper officers of said town.

The clerk of said town of Norwood, shall, before each of the elections referred to in the seventh section of this act, furnish to the clerk of the town of Walpole, seven days at least, before each of said elections, a certified list of the voters resident in said territory set off by this act, and qualified to vote at such election.

SECTION 9. The said town of Norwood shall bear the

of surveys and expense of making the necessary surveys and establishing

establishing town lines.

Reimbursements for bounties and State

the lines between the said towns of Dedham and Walpole, respectively, and said town of Norwood.

SECTION 10. The said town of Norwood shall receive from the said towns of Dedham and Walpole, respectively, a

and their fami

proportional part of whatever amount may hereafter be aid to soldiers refunded to either of said towns respectively, from the state lies. or the United States, to reimburse either of said towns for bounties to soldiers or state aid, heretofore paid to soldiers' families, after deducting all reasonable expenses.

SECTION 11. This act shall take effect upon its passage.

Approved February 23, 1872.



Be it enacted, &c., as follows:

SECTION 1. The sums hereinafter mentioned are appro- Appropriations. priated for the purposes specified, to be paid out of the treasury from the ordinary revenue, unless otherwise ordered, to meet the current expenses of the year ending on the thirty-first day of December, in the year eighteen hundred and seventy-two, to wit :


binding ordered

For printing and binding ordered by the senate or house Printing and of representatives, or by the concurrent order of the two by the legisla branches, a sum not exceeding forty-five thousand dollars.


For stationery for the senate, purchased by the clerk of Senate station

the senate, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars.


For printing blanks and circulars and the calendar of Senate blanks,

orders of the day for the use of the senate, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars.

circulars, &c.

For stationery for the house of representatives, purchased House stationby the clerk of the house of representatives, a sum not ex

ceeding two thousand dollars.


For printing blanks and circulars and the calendar of House blanks,

orders of the day for the use of the house of representatives,

a sum not exceeding one thousand two hundred dollars.

circulars, &c.

ordered by ser

For books, stationery, printing and advertising, ordered Stationery, &c., by the sergeant-at-arms for the legislature, a sum not ex- geant-at-arms. ceeding eight hundred dollars.


For the authorized expenses of committees of the present Expenses of legislature, the same to include clerical assistance to committees authorized to employ the same, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars.

For postage, printing and stationery, for the governor and council, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars.

For the contingent expenses of the governor and council, a sum not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars.

Postage, &c.,

for governor and council.


expenses of governor and council.

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