§ 12. The secretary of state shall cause true and accu Laws, &c., for rate copies of all laws, joint resolutions, and of the journals public printer. of each house of the general assembly, to be made out by the person or persons to whom the contract for copying the laws, joint resolutions and journals of that session of the general assembly may have been awarded, and delivered to the public printer or printers as fast as the said printer or printers may need the same in the fulfillment of his or their contract, as required in section thirteen of this act. The copies of the laws so made out shall be arranged and printed in alphabetical order, according to their subject matter, with order of laws. full and complete marginal notes, and the day on which each act takes effect shall be stated in the margin opposite the title, and the day on which the act was approved by the governor shall be stated at the end of the act, omitting the name and style of the governor, and the speakers of the two houses of the general assembly. Prefixed to each volume of the laws and journals, there shall be a table of contents, tents. and at the end thereof, a full and complete index, and there Complete index. shall be prefixed to each volume of reports a table of con tents. 1 Table of con § 13. The public printer or printers shall be allowed Time to finish four months from the adjournment of the general assembly printing. to complete the printing of the laws, journals, reports, and other documents of each session of the general assembly. to superintend § 14. The secretary of state shall superintend the print- Secret'y of state ing of the laws, acts, resolutions, and all other printing printing. ordered by the general assembly, carefully comparing the printed copies with the enrolled laws, resolutions and other original copies deposited in his office, correcting all errors that may appear in such printed copies; and shall make and cause to be printed at the end of such printed copies, his certificate, that the acts and resolutions so printed are correct copies of the enrolled laws filed in his office; but in no case shall the enrolled laws be taken from the secretary's office for the purpose of comparing them with the printed copies, nor for any other purpose. Certificate sec. of state. of Accounts of pub lic printer, how § 15. It shall be the duty of the secretary of state, auditor and treasurer, to examine all accounts rendered by the adjusted. public printer or printers for work performed, or materials furnished for the state, which said officers shall [call] to their aid three or a less number of practical printers, who are not at that time engaged in the printing business, to assist them in the examination of said accounts. The persons so employed shall be paid at the rate of five dollars per day for Pay of adjustees. the time necessarily occupied in the examination of such accounts, to be paid out of the fund appropriated for the expenses of the office of secretary of state. § 16. Immediately after the printing for any session of Accounts, how the general assembly shall have been completed, it shall be the duty of the secretary of state, auditor and treasurer, Proviso. Surplus paper. Paper account. Contract binding. Ing. to settle the accounts of the public printer or printers, according to the provisions of the preceding section, and to ascertain the quantity of paper which has been necessarily used by the public printer in executing the printing for such session of the general assembly: Provided, that the public printer or printers shall not be allowed more than five per centum of said paper for the necessary wastage in performing the printing as aforesaid. But if the public printer or printers shall not have actually used, in the performance of his or their said contract, a quantity of paper equal to the amount actually bound in the books and other documents required to be printed, and the five per centum allowed herein for wastage, he shall return any surplus paper which he has received from the secretary of state, and which has not been so actually used as aforesaid, to the said secretary of state, who shall store the same for the future use of the state. And the public printer or printers shall not use in his or their own private business, or otherwise than in the fulfillment of his or their said contract, any of the paper which he or they may have received from the secretary of state, under a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each and every quire so used by him or them, to be recovered by the secretary of state for the use of the people of the state, in an action of debt, before any court having jurisdiction. And the accounts of the said printer or printers shall not be paid until said paper account is settled to the entire satisfaction of the officers authorized to settle the same as aforesaid. for § 17. It shall be the duty of the secretary of state, after having given at least six weeks' notice, to be published weekly in two of the newspapers printed at the city of Springfield, and in the two newspapers printed at the city of Chicago, having the largest weekly circulation, of the time of letting the folding, stitching, and binding, to contract with some responsible book binder or binders who reside in, and carry on the business of bookbinding in this state, to do the folding, stitching and binding of the approaching session of the general assembly, consisting of laws, journals, reports and other documents of every description, and bills, Prices for bind in the following manner, and at no greater prices than those annexed, to wit: For binding the laws, journals and reports, with leather backs and substantial pasteboard sides, and covering the sides with blue paper, when the number of pages in the volume do not exceed one hundred and fifty, twelve and one half cents for each one hundred pages; when the number of pages in the volume exceed one hundred and fifty, the price shall be ten cents for each one hundred pages of the volume. For folding, stitching and covering with paper covers, with the title page printed thereon, and trimming the edges of reports and other documents, three and one half cents for each one hundred pages contained in the same. For folding, stitching and trimming the edges of reports and other documents, two cents for each one hundred pages contained in the same. For folding, stitching and trimming the edges of bills, five cents for each one hundred pages contained in the same. § 18. Each person who may present a bid to the secre- Bond of bidders. tary of state, shall inclose in the same envelope with said bid, a good and sufficient bond in the penalty of fifteen thousand dollars, conditioned that he or they will faithfully and in a good and workmanlike manner perform and execute all the public binding required to be done in pursuance of law by direction of either branch of the general assembly, or by any officer of the state in the discharge of their official duties, which said bond shall be approved by the governor and filed in the office of the secretary of state. § 19. It shall be the duty of the public printer or printers Time of binder to to deliver to the public binder or binders, each and every form complete work. of laws, journals, reports, bills or other documents which are required to be folded, stitched, or bound, in good order, as fast as they are printed, and the public binder or binders shall be allowed two months from the time the last form is delivered to him by the public printer, in which to finish the binding and delivery of the same to the secretary of state. And the public binder shall bind every volume of laws, Binder to do all journals, reports, and other documents, and shall fold, stitch and trim every pamphlet, bill or other document which now is, or hereafter may be required by law or otherwise to be bound, or folded and stitched for the use of the state, or for the general assembly, or for either branch thereof, or for the governor or other state officers in the discharge of their official duties. work. binder. § 20. Immediately upon the fulfillment of any contract Accounts for binding, the secretary of state, auditor, and treasurer, or any two of them, shall proceed to settle the accounts of the public binder in the same manner as is provided in section fifteen of this act, for the settlement of the accounts of the public printer. of made at less § 21. The secretary of state is hereby authorized and re- contract may be quired to contract for the public printing or binding provi- mades. ded for in this act, at less prices than are herein specified, if in his power so to do. ure in time. § 22. If the public printer shall fail to print the laws, Forfeiture if failjournals, and reports, within the time limited herein, or if the public binder shall fail to have the laws, journals, and reports bound within the time limited herein, it shall be the duty of the secretary of state to state in the certificate which he is required to give to such printer, the time at which such laws, journals and reports, shall have been printed, and the time at which the binding should have been completed, and the time at which said printing was completed, and the auditor shall thereupon deduct from the price of such printing, if the failure be in the printing, or if the failure be in Time of letting contract. Acts repealed. the binding, deduct from the price of such binding, six per centum per week on the price of printing or binding, as the case may be, and issue his warrant on the treasurer for the sum due such printer or binder, after making the deduction aforesaid. § 23. The contract for printing and binding required by this act to be made, shall be let at least six months before the sitting of each regular session of the general assembly. § 24. All acts or parts of acts conflicting with the provisions of this act, are hereby repealed. § 25. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 16, 1865. In force Feb. 16, AN ACT authorizing E. B. Myers, of Chicago, to publish the public laws 1865. as passed at each session of the general assembly of this state, upon his own private account. Preamble. publish laws. WHEREAS, the number of copies of the public acts of the general assembly of this state are insufficient to supply the wants of those outside of the public offices of the state and counties of Illinois; and, whereas, a cheap edition of the session laws of the state would be a desideratum to the profession of the state, and others desiring a copy of the public laws; therefore, [SECTION 1.] Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That E. B. E. B. Myers may Myers, book publisher of Chicago, be and is hereby authorized to publish such an edition of the public laws of the state of Illinois, passed at each session of the general assembly as he may deem proper, and sell the same upon his own private account. Secretary of state § 2. Be it further enacted, That it shall be and is hereby to furnish copies made the duty of the secretary of state to furnish on demand, the said E. B. Myers, immediately after the enrollment and deposit of the same in the office of the said secretary of state, a true copy of each and every public law passed by the said general assembly, at each and every session, for which said service the said secretary of state, for the time being, shall receive from the said E. B. Myers, such compensation for the copies aforesaid as may be allowed by law for similar services. His fees. Laws prima facie evidence, § 3. Be it further enacted, That all public laws published by the said E. B. Myers, in pursuance of this act, shall be and the same are hereby declared to be prima facie evidence of the existence of such laws, in and before all courts of law and equity in this state. § 4. RAFTS OF LUMBERMEN, ETC. This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 16, 1865. 101 AN ACT in relation to rafts of lumber and saw-logs in the Mississippi river. In force Feb. 16, SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of 1865. Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That it shall not be lawful for the city of Quincy to charge any wharf- Wharfage may be age, or other fee or charge of any kind or nature whatsoever charged. for landing any raft or rafts of lumber or saw-logs at any point in said city, except at such landings or levees as are owned by said city. § 2. All acts or parts of acts or ordinances of the city of Acts repealed. Quincy, in conflict with this law are hereby repealed. § 3. This act shall be taken and is declared to be a pub lic act, and shall take effect from and after its passage. AN ACT relating to rafts and lumbermen. In force Feb. 16, 1865. be landed. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That hereafter all raftsmen floating rafts upon the Mississippi river, shall Where rafts may have the right, and may land the same at any point in this state free of charge, except at the improved wharves of incorporated towns and cities therein, and shall have the right to take the same out of said river, at any point except Exception, at said improved wharves free of charge by any city or town whatever. § 2. That all laws and ordinances of any city or town Acts repealed in conflict with this act be and the same are hereby repealed. § 3. This act shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage. APPROVED February 16, 1865. |