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where, as, in their opinion, will best promote the interests of the volunteer forces in the United States army from this


§ 2. It shall be the duty of the governor, by proper Duties of agents. orders issued by him, from time to time, to prescribe the duties of said agents; and he is hereby authorized to adopt such rules and regulations, with reference to them, and their services in aid of the forces from this state in the United States army, as he may deem best calculated to promote the welfare of the volunteers from Illinois, now or hereafter to be in the United States service; and for any omission of duty, misconduct in office, or neglect, the governor may recall and dismiss said agents, whenever he may deem it to the public interest so to do.


§ 3. Said agents, when so appointed, shall be commis- Agents commissioned by the governor, which commission shall be during his pleasure; and he may, in his discretion, require of each of them bond and security for the faithful performance of their duties, and of all trusts committed to them by the soldiers of this state, in such sums as he may deem best calculated to promote and secure their efficiency.

§4. Said agents, when appointed, shall at once enter Monthly reports. upon their duty, and shall report, monthly, all their official action to the office of the adjutant general of this state; and they shall receive for their services, in full thereof, the sum of twelve hundred dollars per annum, and no more the Salary of agents same to be paid monthly, as it becomes due.

§ 5. This act shall be in force on and after its passage. APPROVED February 16, 1865.

AN ACT to perfect the statute laws of this state.

In force Feb. 8, 1865.

to report amend ments to laws.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the justices of the supreme court are authorized and requested to Supreme judges report to each general assembly such amendments of the statute laws of this state as may seem to them necessary, with bills for such amendments, for the adoption or rejection of the general assembly.

§ 2. Said justices may employ clerks to aid in the pur- special salary. pose aforesaid, under the direction of said justices; and for such special service, and for such clerk hire, the said justices shall each be paid, annually, the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, payable quarter-yearly.

§3. The auditor shall issue his warrant upon the treasurer to each of said justices, upon each regular quarter-day, as fixed for the payment of the salary of said justices, for


preme court repealed.


the amount due as the compensation provided in this act for the special service and clerk hire authorized by the first

Docket fee in su- section hereof. And all laws and parts of laws providing for the payment of any docket fee upon suits brought into the supreme court are hereby repealed.

§ 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 8, 1865.

In force Feb. 16, 1865.

AN ACT to regulate the transmission of communications by telegraph. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Peop'e of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That it shall Ciphers may be be lawful to send, in cipher, or with a concealed meaning,


in tele

Limit of use.

by telegraph, any communication which does not relate to military affairs, or to rebellion against the government of this state or of the United States, any other law or part of law to the contrary notwithstanding.

§ 2. The privileges of this act shall not extend to any person while such person is under any charge of complicity with such rebellion, duly preferred by the civil or the military authorities of the state or the national government.

§ 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

In force Apr. 17, AN ACT to define more accurately the method of computing time and interest or discounts for days and months.



SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That in all Time, how com- computations of time, and of interest and discounts, a month shall be considered to mean a calendar month, and a year shall consist of twelve calendar months; and in computations of interest or discounts for any number of days less than a month, a day shall be considered a thirtieth part of a month, and interests or discounts shall be computed for such fractional parts of a month upon the ratio which such number of days shall bear to thirty.

§ 2. Section three of an act entitled "An act to provide for uniformity in calculating days of grace, maturity of bills, etc., and declaratory of the law in relation thereto," and all

laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

AN ACT for the protection of fruit, fruit and ornamental trees, shrubbery, In force Feb. 15, and vegetable products.


ment for injur

ing trees.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of
Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That if any
person or persons, in this state, shall, willfully, maliciously, Fine and punish-
and without lawful authority, cut down, root up, sever, in
jure, peel or destroy any fruit or ornamental tree, cultivated
root or plant, fruit, or other vegetable production, grape,
strawberry or cranberry vines, currant, gooseberry, rasp-
berry or cultivated blackberry bushes, standing or growing
on or being attached to the land of another, or shall, will-
fully, and without lawful authority, cut down, root up, de-
stroy or injure any ruit or other ornamental tree or
shrubbery, planted or growing on any street, lane or alley
or public grounds, in any city, borough or incorporated
town in said state, every such person, so offending, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, on conviction thereof,
shall be punished by fine not more than five hundred dol-
lars, or by imprisonment in the jail of the county not ex·
ceeding three months, or both, at the discretion of the court,
and shall, moreover, be liable, in double the amount of Damages.
damages, to the party injured.

This law to take effect from and after its passage.
APPROVED February 15, 1865.


AN ACT for the protection of growing fruit.

In force April 17,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That if any person or persons shall, hereafter, enter the inclosure of any Indictment, fine, person, without leave or license of such owner, and pick, imprisonment. destroy or carry away any part or portion of the fruit of any apple, pear, peach, plum, or other fruit tree or bush, such person or persons shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, may be fined in any sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and may be imprisoned in the county jail for any period of time, not exceeding twenty days. The penalties incurred by a viola




tion of this act may be enforced by indictment in any court having jurisdiction of misdemeanors, in the county where the offence is committed, or the fine may be recovered in an action of debt before any justice of the peace of such county.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

In force Jan. 16, AN ACT to make United States legal tender notes and postage currency receivable for taxes and for redemption from tax sales.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That from and Treasury notes after the passage of this act, it shall be the duty of collectors currency will of state, county, city, town and school taxes, and of all taxes pay taxes. levied by any law of this state, to receive, at par, United

and postage

[blocks in formation]

States legal tender treasury notes and postage currency, when the same are tendered, for all taxes which are now due for the year 1864, and until otherwise provided by law; the said postage currency being not receivable in greater sums than five dollars.

§ 2. That all real estate heretofore sold or hereafter to be sold for such taxes may be redeemed, in the manner now provided by law, with said treasury notes and postage currency.

§3. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED January 16, 1865.

In force Feb. 16, AN ACT in relation to the vacation of streets, squares, lanes, alleys and



ing lot.



SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That when

alley any street, square, lane, alley, highway, or part thereof, added to adjoin- shall have been or may hereafter be vacated, under or by virtue of any act or acts of this state, the lot or tract imme diately adjoining shall extend to the central line of any such street, square, lane, alley, highway, or part thereof, so vacated, unless otherwise specially provided in the act vacating


Alley: how vaca- the same: Provided, that the common council of any city in this state shall not have power to vacate or order closed any street or alley, or portion of the same, unless such vacation shall be ordered upon the vote of at least three-fourths of all the aldermen of said city authorized by law to be elected; such vote to be taken by ayes and noes, and entered on the records of the common council.

*§ 2. This act shall be in force and take effect from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

AN ACT to authorize the change of venue in certain cases.

In force Feb. 16, 1865.

of judge is ma

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That when any suit, either at law or in equity, is pending in any circuit When testimony court, and the testimony of the judge thereof shall be mate- terial. rial to either of the parties to such suit, it shall be lawful for the said judge, either in term time or in vacation, upon petition, setting forth the above fact, verified by the affidavit of the party presenting the same, to cause the said suit and all the papers relating thereto, with a transcript of the record thereof, if necessary, to be transmitted to some convenient circuit court of a circuit adjoining thereto, as in case of change of venue; and such court, to which said suit shall be transferred, shall have the same power over the said suit and the proceedings therein as if such suit had been originally instituted in such court: Provided, that Proviso. in cases of change of venue from the circuit court of Cook Change from the county, under this law, the same shall be taken to the superior court of Chicago; and from the superior court of Chi- From sup. court. cago changes of venue, under this law, shall be taken to the

circuit court of Cook county.

Cook cir. court to sup. court.

§ 2. That after such suit and proceedings are transferred Deposition as aforesaid, either party, who shall desire to use the testi- judge. mony of such judge on the trial of the same, may proceed to take the deposition of said judge in the same manner as is now provided by law in case of other witnesses; and that the provisions of this act shall apply to all cases now pending in any circuit court, as well as to those hereafter commenced.

§3. That this act shall be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.


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