§ 6. This act shall take effect from and after its passage. APPROVED February 16, 1865. 1865. In force Feb. 16, AN ACT to repeal an act to establish a register's office in the city of Cairo. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Act repealed and Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the act office abolish entitled "an act to establish a register's office in the city of Cairo," approved February 17, 1857, be and the same is ed. hereby repealed, and the said office is hereby abolished. Register of Cairo § 2. The register of the city of Cairo shall deliver all the to give books, books of record and other papers in his office to the recorder Alexander of Alexander county, who shall receive and deposit them in his office and enter his file mark thereon, and from the date of such delivery as evidenced by said file mark, such book of record of the register of the city of Cairo, shall be and etc., county. er Alexander county To be a part of constitute a portion of the records of the recorder's office of Alexander county, and such delivery and incorporation incords, and be to the said recorder's office shall have the same legal effect legal. re re to be evidence. as if said records had been originally made in the said recorder's office of said Alexander county. Copies of § 3. Copies made from the books deposited as above cords certified provided for, by the register of the city of Cairo, in the recorder's office in Alexander county, when certified by the recorder, shall be of the same validity and have the same legal effect as copies from the original and other books of record in the recorder's office, made and certified by the said recorder. § 4. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED, February 16, 1865. 1865. In force Feb. 16, AN ACT to repeal so much of an act entitled "An act to establish recorders' courts in the cities of LaSalle and Peru," approved February 19, 1859, as provides for the establishment of such court in the city of LaSalle, and the act amendatory thereof, approved February 18, 1861, so far as it applies to the recorder's court of the city of LaSalle, and for other purposes therein named. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Peop'e of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That so much Act establishing of an act entitled "An act to establish recorders' courts in repealed. the cities of LaSalle and Peru," approved February 19, 1859, and the act amendatory thereof, approved February 18, 1861, so far as it applies to the recorder's court in the city of LaSalle, be and the same are hereby repealed. recorders' c'rts ferred to circuit county to be § 2. All causes and proceedings, both civil and criminal, All causes transnow pending in said recorder's court, and all indictments, court pleas and papers pertaining to any of said causes or pro- disposed of. ceedings, shall be transferred to the circuit court of LaSalle county, and said causes or proceedings shall be docketed by -the clerk of said circuit court, and proceed to final hearing and determination in said circuit court, the same as if such causes, proceedings or indictments had been commenced or instituted in said circuit court. court to deliver returned to cl'k circuit court. § 3. It shall be the duty of the clerk of the recorder's Clerk recorder's court of the city of LaSalle to transfer and deliver to the all books to cl'k clerk of the circuit court of said LaSalle county, all books circuit court. and records belonging to said recorder's court, and all papers belonging or appertaining to any cause or proceeding, civil and criminal, heretofore determined therein, or which may be now pending thereim; and any original or other process issued by said court, and not returned when this act All process to be shall take effect, shall be returned by the officer having the same to the clerk of the circuit court of LaSalle county; and all causes and proceedings in said court which may have been taken to the supreme court, by appeal or otherwise, and which have not been actually remanded, shall, if reversed, be remanded to the circuit court of said LaSalle county; and when any appeal or writ of error shall here- Suits in supreme after be prosecuted from any judgment, order or decree manded to cirheretofore determined in said recorder's court to reverse the cuit court. same, the same, if reversed and remanded by the supreme court, shall be remanded to the circuit court of said LaSalle county, and all further proceedings therein shall be had in the same manner as if such suit or proceeding had been originally commenced in said circuit court. court to be re court to issue on of § 4. The clerk of said circuit court is hereby expressly Clerk of circuit authorized and empowered to issue executions upon any executions judgments now remaining unsatisfied in said recorder's judgments court, the same as if said judgments had been originally rendered in said circuit court; and the same remedies and proceedings may be had for the collection of any judgment or decree heretofore rendered by said recorder's court as if the same had been rendered in said circuit court: Provided, Proviso. however, that when the master in chancery of said recorder's court, or special commissioner appointed by such court, is required by the decree entered in any cause heretofore pending therein to make any sale, or do any act, such mas- Master chancery ter in chancery, or special commissioner, shall proceed to may make sale make such sale, or perform such act, the same as if specially and report to appointed by said circuit court, and shall make report of court. his proceedings to said circuit court. c'rt. or special com'r clerk circuit 44 CUSTOM HOUSE AT CHICAGO. § 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 16, 1865. In force Feb. 16, AN ACT to cede jurisdiction to the United States over certain lands joining the custom house in Chicago. 1865. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That whereas, Ceding certain by certain acts, approved February 13, 1855, and February Chicage to Uni. 16, 1859, exclusive jurisdiction and legislation have been lands or lots ted States. Right of taxation relinquished. Process under ceded to the United States over property in the south-east corner of block one hundred and nineteen, (119,) in the school section addition to Chicago, embracing ninety-five (95) feet on Monroe street, immediately west of Dearborn street, as now laid out, and extending north one hundred and ninety (190) feet, to the alley in the rear; and whereas, the United States have acquired or desire to acquire an interest in or the title to twenty-four (24) feet fronting on said Monroe street, lying immediately west of said ninetyfive (95) feet, and extending one hundred and ninety feet north from said street to said alley: therefore, exclusive jurisdiction and legislation are hereby ceded to the United States over said last-mentioned twenty-four feet, or so much thereof as the United States shall have acquired or may hereafter acquire title to or interest in; and the right of taxation or assessment of said twenty-four feet, or of so much thereof as the United States have acquired or may hereafter acquire title to or interest in, is hereby relinquished to the United States. § 2. All civil and criminal process issued under the austanforced may thority of this state, or by any of its officers, in pursuance be of law, may be executed on said twenty-four feet, as if such jurisdiction had not been ceded. § 3. This act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act, and shall take effect from and after its passage. APPROVED February 16, 1865. In force Feb. 13, AN ACT relating to county and city debts, and to provide for the payment thereof by taxation in such counties and cities. 1865. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That in all canceled, etc. cases where counties or cities have heretofore, under any law Bonds may be of this state, issued bonds or securities for money on account of any subscription to the capital stock of any railroad company, or on account of, or in aid of, any public improvement, and the same remain outstanding, or any debt arising thereout remains unpaid, the board of supervisors or county court of such county, and the city council or municipal authority of such city, as the case may be, having issued such bonds or securities, may, upon due surrender of any such bonds or securities, or cancellation of such debt, issue in place thereof to the holder or owner, new bonds, in such form, for such amount, upon such time, and drawing such interest as may be agreed upon with the holder or owner: Provided, such new bonds shall not be for a greater sum Proviso. than the principal and accrued or earned interest unpaid of the bonds or debts in place of which they shall be given, nor bear a greater rate of interest than six per cent. per an- Bonds to bear six num, payable on the first day of July in each year; and such per cent. interbonds shall show on their face that they are issued under this act, and, if so agreed, may provide for payment of five per cent. of the principal thereof, annually, until fully paid. est. surren dered to be in istered with au § 2. Upon the surrender of any such bond or security, Bonds under this act, the same shall be indorsed canceled, and the dorsed. same shall from time to time be destroyed, under the direction of the authority issuing them. Upon the issuing of any such new bond, the county clerk, or city clerk, as the case may be, shall make registration thereof in a book to be kept New bonds to be for that purpose in his office, showing the date, amount, registered. number, maturity and rate of interest of such new bond, and the number and date of the bond or security for which the same is given. On presentation of any such new bond Bond to be regat the office of the auditor of public accounts for registra- ditor. tion, he shall cause the same to be registered in his office, in a book to be kept for that purpose, such registration shall show the date, amount, number, maturity and rate of interest of such bond, under what act, and by what county or city issued, and for such registration the auditor shall be entitled to a fee of one dollar, to be paid by the party desir- Auditor's fee. ing the same, and the auditor shall, under his seal of office, certify upon such bond the fact of such registration, for Certificate of rewhich the auditor shall be entitled to a fee of fifty cents. § 3. In all cases when any county or city shall issue bonds under this act, it shall be the duty of the county clerk of such county, or of the officer to whom or to whose office the assessment rolls for state taxation, whether county or city, are or shall be returnable, within five days after such return, to make out and transmit to the auditor of state, to be filed in his office, a certificate stating the total value of all property, real and personal, within such county or city, exhibited by such assessment. gistration. Clerk of county ditor's amount § 4. When the bonds of any county or city, to the amount of twenty thousand dollars, shall be so registered, the auditor Annual interest shall annually ascertain the amount of interest for the cur to certify au of assessment. to be computed by auditor. When taxes may be levied by auditor to secure bonds. Such tax to be rent year, due and accrued, and to accrue, against any county or city. On all such bonds, so registered in his office, on the first day of January, then next preceding, to which amount, where such bonds or securities provide for payment of five per cent. of the principal thereof, annually, he shall add five per cent. of such principal thereof, and shall, upon the basis of the certificate of valuation of property so to be transmitted to him, or, in case no such certificate shall be filed in his office, then upon the basis of the total state revenue of such county or city for the year next preceding, or of the assessment appertaining thereto of such year estimate, and determine the rate per centum on the valuation of property within such county or city, requisite to meet and satisfy the same interest, or interest and principal, as the case may be, together with ordinary costs to the state of collection and disbursement of the same, to be estimated by the auditor and treasurer; and shall make and transmit to the county clerk of such county, and to the officer or authority whose duty it is, or shall be, to prepare the estimates and books for the collection of state taxes in such county or city, a certificate stating such estimated requisite per centum for such purposes, to be filed in his office; and the same per centum shall thereupon be deemed added to and a part of the per centum which is or may be levied, or provided by law, for purposes of state revenue, and shall be so treated by such clerk, officer or authority, in making such estimates and books for the collection of taxes, and the same tax shall collected with be collected with the state revenue, and all laws relating to state revenue. State not liable. payment b'ds registered. the state revenue shall apply thereto, except as herein otherwise provided; and such per centum shall be deducted from the county or city levy for the current or ensuing year. § 5. The state shall be deemed the custodian only of the tax so collected, and shall not be deemed in any manner liable on account of any such bonds, but the tax and the Tax pledged to funds so collected shall be deemed pledged and appropriated to the payment of the interest and principal of the registered bonds, to satisfy which the same is herein provided to be collected, as aforesaid, and such new bonds or securities, to be issued under authority hereof, shall be deemed secured and provided for in virtue and faith hereof, until fully satisfied. The state shall annually collect and apply the said fund to nually on registered bonds. Tax applied an- the satisfaction of the annual interest, or annual interest and five per centum of the principal, as the case may be, of such registered bonds of any such county or city, to the extent the same is herein contemplated to be derived from such tax in the same county or city, in the same manner as interest on the bonds of the state are or may be collected and |