Decision of com- their decision on the back of the application, and file the with town clerk same in the office of the town clerk, and the town clerk shall missioners filed sioners. Appeals allowed from commissioners. enter upon his book the date of such filing. Fees of commis- § 9. The fees of the drainage commissioners shall be the same as is now allowed by law for their services as commissioners of highways, and shall be paid in the same manner. § 10. Either party feeling aggrieved by the decision of the commissioners, either in locating or failing to locate the drain, may at any time within fifteen days from the filing of such decision, appeal from the same, by giving ten days' notice in writing to the opposite party or parties. Said appeal shall be taken before the supervisor, one justice of the peace, and the town clerk of the town in which the drain is to originate: Provided, that in case either of these persons shall be interested personally in the land or lands through which it is proposed to pass, then the other two shall select some disinterested person to act with them. Proviso. Review of action of commissioners. reversed. § 11. The supervisor, justice of the peace and town clerk, (in case none are interested as aforesaid,) shall as soon as practicable, fix upon a day when they will review the action of the said drainage commissioners, and hear the reasons for and against the laying of the drain. They shall then, after so hearing, determine whether the action of the com When decision is missioners was in their judgment proper, and if they reverse the decision of the commissioners in whole or in part, they shall state the same in writing, specifying what changes they have made, whether they have relocated the drain, or reapportioned the labor, or reassessed the damage, if any there be, which statement shall be filed with the town clerk for Final decision. inspection, and their decision shall be final in all cases pertaining to the subject. Fees of officers. to § 12. In all cases of appeal, the persons hearing and deciding the same shall be entitled to two dollars per day for the time necessarily employed in the case; and if the action of the drainage commissioners is sustained, then the cost Wheny appellant shall be paid by the party taking the appeal. But if said When fees paid decision shall be reversed in whole or in part, then the fees from, township of the said officers shall be paid from the township funds. Drain on lands § 13. In all cases where the commissioners shall have non-resi ordered a drain through the lands of non-resident owner or owners, and such owner or owners will not make nor pay for making such drain as ordered, then it shall be the duty of the commissioners to assess the necessary cost of constructing the drain against the land, and return the same to fund. of dents, how paid for. assess with other taxes. County clerk to the county clerk in such county, who shall enter the amount, amount with other taxes, against the said land, and when the same shall have been collected as other taxes are collected, he shall pay the amount to the person or persons making or causing the drain to have been made. § 14. Nothing in this act shall authorize the assessment babe charged to of more than one half the expense or cost of any drain upon uninclosed lands through which such drain may be run. Not more than to open lands. and Kane counties not included. § 15. This act shall not apply to the counties of McHenry McHenry and Kane, and this act shall not be construed to conflict with existing laws for drainage in the county of Cook. § 16. This act shall be deemed a public act, and be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 16, 1865. AN ACT for the benefit of the board of education of the state of Illinois. In force Feb. 4, 1865. WHEREAS the board of education of the state of Illinois are Preamble. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the chairman of the committee of education in the senate, and the committee to exchairman of the committee of education of the house, and the president of the board of education of the state of Illinois, are hereby appointed a committee, with power to meet during the present session, or thereafter, to determine the amounts severally due on said claims; and for that purpose it shall be their duty to meet as soon as possible and examine and determine the amounts due the respective parties; and said committee shall grant a certificate to each of the Certificate claimants, stating the amount justly due, so far as they may find the claims just and unpaid. amine accounts. to claimants. warrant on certificate of com § 2. It shall be the duty of the auditor of public accounts, on the presentation of any certificate granted as aforesaid by said committee, or a majority of them, to issue his war- Auditor to issue rant on the treasurer, for the amount specified in such certificate: Provided, that the auditor shall not issue warrants mittee. for a greater amount, in the aggregate, than thirty-two Amount limited. thousand dollars. Such warrants shall be countersigned and paid by the treasurer, out of any money not otherwise appropriated. §3. This act shall be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED February 4, 1865. In force Feb. 15, AN ACT for the registry of electors and to prevent fraudulent voting. 1865. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Board of registry persons authorized by law, or appointed pursuant to any town or city ordinance, to act as judges or inspectors of elections in any town, city, or ward, or other election district or precinct, in this state, (except the moderator of the town meeting, in towns adopting township organization,) shall constitute a "board of registry" for their respective towns, cities, wards, districts or precincts, and shall meet on Tuesday, three weeks preceding any state, county, city, or town, election, (except "town meetings" in towns adopting the township organization law,) at nine o'clock a. M., and proceed to make a list, as hereinafter prescribed, of all persons qualified and entitled to vote at the ensuing election in the election district of which they are judges or inspectors; which list, when completed, shall constitute and be known as the "register of electors" of said election district; and said board may continue their session, for the purpose of making said list, two days, if necessary: Provided, that at the last election in said district, prior to said meeting, the number of votes cast in said district exceeded two hundred. List of voters to be made. Proviso. List of qualified betic order. § 2. Said registers shall each contain a list of the pervoters in alpha- sons so qualified and entitled to vote in said election district, alphabetically arranged, according to their respective surnames, so as to show, in one column, the name at full Residence of vo- length, and in another column, in cities, the residence, by ters. the number of the dwelling, if there be a number, and the name of the street or other location of the dwelling place of each person. It shall be the duty of said board to enter in said lists the names of all persons, residing in their election district, whose name appears on the poll list kept in said district at the last preceding election; in cities the number of the dwelling and name of the street or other location, if the same shall be known to, or can be ascertained by such board; and for this purpose, said board are authorized to take from the office in which they are filed, the poll lists made and filed by the judges or inspectors of such district, at the election held next prior to the making of such register. In making said list, the board shall enter Names may be thereon, in addition to the names on the poll list, the names of all other persons who are well known to them to be electors in said district; and the names of all persons on the poll list who have died or removed from the district shall be omitted from said register. The said board shall complete, as far as practicable, the said register on the day of their meeting, aforesaid, and shall make four copies thereof, and certify the register and each of the copies to be a true list of the voters in their district, so far as the same are added to list. Copies of list. One known to them. Within two days thereafter, the said origi- amine lists or Lists-how pub § 3. In case a new election district shall be formed by When new dis the organization of a new town, or by the division of any town or ward, or the incorporation of a city or town, the judges or inspectors of the election in the new district thus formed, may make their registry of electors on the day prescribed by this act, in such manner as a majority of them may direct, and for that purpose may make a list, or cause to be made, a certified copy of the poll list or lists of the districts in which such new district is situated, or they may dispense with such list or lists, and proceed to make a register of electors from the best means at their command. Said lists shall only embrace the names of such persons as are known to them to be electors in their district, and shall be posted up and copies thereof made, as prescribed in the preceding section, and shall be corrected in the same manner that other lists are corrected. trict is formed. Lists-how cor- § 4. The said board shall again meet on Tuesday of the Revision of lists. week preceding the said elections, in their respective election districts, at the place designated for holding the polls of the election, for the purpose of revising, correcting, and completing said lists, and for this purpose, in cities, they shall meet at eight o'clock in the morning, and remain in session until nine o'clock P. M. of that day, and the day following; and in other districts they shall meet at nine o'clock be open. in the morning and remain in session until four o'clock P. M. of that day. Proceedings to § 5. The proceedings of said board shall be open, and all persons residing and entitled to vote in said district, shall be entitled to be heard by said board in relation to corrections or additions to said register. One of the lists so kept by the judges or inspectors, as aforesaid, shall be used by them, on the day or days of making corrections or additions, for the purpose of completing the registry for such district. When names may be erased. information. § 6. It shall be the duty of said board, at their meeting for revising and correcting said lists, to erase therefrom the name of any person inserted therein, who shall be proved by the oath of two legal voters of said district, to the satisfaction of said board, to be non-resident of said district, or otherwise not entitled to vote, in said district, at the election then next to be held. Any elector residing in said district, and entitled to vote therein, may appear before said board and require his name to be recorded on said alphabetical list. Any person so requiring his name to be so entered on said lists, shall make the same statement as to the street and number thereof, and where he resides, required by the provisions of this act of persons offering their votes at elections, Refusal to give and shall be subject to the same penalties for refusing to give such information, or for falsely giving the same, and shall also be subject to challenge, either by the judges or inspectors, or either of them, or by any other elector whose name appears on said alphabetical list; and the same oaths may be administered by the judges or inspectors as now provided in case of persons offering to vote at an election, and in case no challenge is made of any person requiring his name to be entered on said alphabetical list, or in case of challenge, if such person shall make oath that would entitle him to vote in case of challenge at an election, then Names may be added, ton oath the name of any such person shall be added to the alpha of applicant. Certified copies of list. Where filed. be rejectd. betical poll list of the last preceding year. § 7. After said lists shall have been fully completed, the said board shall, within three days thereafter, cause four copies of the same to be made, each of which shall be certified by them to be a correct list of the voters of their district; one of which shall be filed in the office of the town clerk of towns, and in the office of city clerks in cities; and one of which copies shall be delivered to each of said judges or inspectors. It shall be the duty of the said judges or inspectors so receiving such lists, carefully to preserve the said lists for their use on election day, and to designate two of their number, at the opening of the polls, to check the name of every voter voting in such district whose name is When vote shall on the register. No vote sha'l be received at any state, county, town or city election in this state, except at town meetings in towns adopting the township organization law, if the name of the person offering to vote be not on the said |