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ty-five cents; for making up a complete record of proceedings and judgment, when directed by the court, for every one hundred words, fifteen cents; for making copies of bills, answers, declarations, pleadings, judgments, or other proceedings, for every one hundred words, fifteen cents; for certifying and sealing same, fifty cents; for each commission, scire facias, or other special writ or process, for every one hundred words, twenty cents: sealing same, twentyfive cents; for taking depositions when requested, and certifying to the same, for every one hundred words, fifteen cents: sealing same, twenty-five cents; for taking acknowledgment of deed, power of attorney or other writing, and certifying and sealing the same, seventy-five cents; for making entry of record of naturalization, and for copy thereof, or for either, for every one hundred words, fifteen cents; for taking each recognizance in court, and entering the same of record, seventy-five cents; for arraigning prisoner at the bar, fifty cents; for entering judgment of conviction, fifty cents; for copy of indictment when requested, for every one hundred words, fifteen cents; for entering the discharge of a recognizance, twenty cents; for swearing jurors, witnesses and all other persons, the same fees as shall be allowed in civil cases: aud in all criminal cases when convictions are had, and an execution in fee bill against the defendant or defendants, for costs, shall be returned "no property found," it shall be the duty of the clerk to certify to the county court (or board of supervisors, as the case may be) of such county the amount of costs accrued thereon: and upon the examination and approval of the correctness thereof, it shall be the duty of the county court (or board of supervisors) of such county, to order the payment thereof out of the county treasury of such county: and in those criminal cases where the defendant shall be acquitted or otherwise legally discharged, without payment of costs, the clerk shall receive such compensation as the county court or board of supervisors shall direct, not less than fifty dollars nor more than two hundred dollars per annum; for filing the declaration of intention of becoming a citizen, ten cents; for recording any deed or other instrument of writing, for every one hundred words, fifteen cents; for copy of same, for every one hundred words, fifteen cents; for each certificate of recording, twenty-five cents; for entering each tract of land named in a deed or other instrument, in the entry book required to be kept by section seven of chapter eighty-seven of the Revised Statutes of 1845, five cents: and such entry book shall be open to the public without charge.



§ 3. The clerks of the county courts shall be allowed the County clerks same fees as are now provided by law for all services rela


County treasurors' fees.

Secretary State to send copies.

ting to probate business; and shall be allowed the same fees as are provided above for clerks of the circuit court, for services similar to those required of circuit clerks, where the same is not herein otherwise provided; for issuing each marriage license, and filing and recording the same, two dollars and fifty cents; and shall also be allowed the following fees, to be paid out of the county treasury: For filing each paper relating to county business, five cents; for entering each order made by the county court, except orders for the payment of money, twenty cents; for making out and issuing each certificate of allowance, or order on treasurer, ten cents; for computing and extending each kind of tax, the same fees as are now provided by law for computing and extending the state and county tax. There shall be allowed to be charged and collected, as costs, the following fees, towit: For making record of delinquent lands and town lots, for judgment, including the order of the court, for each tract or lot, five cents; for making transcript of judgment for sale, for each tract or lot, five cents; for assisting collector in selling, for each tract or lot for which a certificate is given, thirty-five cents.


§ 4. That in addition to the compensation now allowed by law, the county treasurers of the counties hereinafter named shall be allowed three per centum on the first five thousand dollars of revenue assessed for county purposes, and one per centum on all over five thousand dollars.

§ 5. This act shall apply only to the counties of Alexander, Union, Pulaski, Massac, Pope, Johnson, Hardin, Gallatin, Saline, Williamson, Jackson, Randolph, Monroe, Perry, Franklin, Jefferson, Hamilton, White, Edwards, Wayne, Wabash, Henderson, McDonough, Greene, Menard, Mason, Scott, Fayette, Effingham, Hancock, Bond, Piatt, Washington, Clinton, Putnam, Marshall, Morgan, Cumberland, Richland, Clay, Clark, Christian, Logan, Montgomery, Macoupin, St. Clair, Sangamon, Calhoun, Jersey, Macon, Douglas, Jackson, Fulton, Marion, Shelby, Stark, Lawrence, Schuyler, and Warren, and shall continue in force from its passage until the first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven.

§ 6. Immediately after the passage of this act the secretary of state shall cause the same to be printed in convenient form, and shall transmit twenty copies thereof to each of the clerks of the county court in the counties included in this


§ 7. This act shall be deemed a public act, and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, until the said first day of June, eighteen hundred and sixty-seven. APPROVED February 16, 1865.

AN ACT to regulate the fees and compensation of sheriffs and collectors in In force Feb. 16,

certain counties.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the fees and compensation of the sheriffs of the several counties hereinafter named shall be as follows: For collecting and paying over the revenue, the commissions now provided by law: twenty cents for each tract of land, and ten cents for each town lot, sold for taxes. For making list of delinquent lands and town lots, to be filed with county clerk, six cents for each tract of land, and three cents for each town lot. They shall also be allowed the following fees for services as specified:

Serving, each person....


$0 75






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5 each way.



5 per mile.


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Chancery SLIM


Scire facias.


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In criminal cases, when required by law.. 1 00

When infamous.




........1 00



Serving on each defendant, and making
affidavit of service

1 95

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Sheriff attending circuit court, county court
or board of supervisors, per day....... 3 00

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Attending court,







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