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in the defence of certain suits brought by George A. Wallahan against the state of Illinois to obtain said lands and to deprive the state thereof, and in certain suits brought by the state of Illinois against George A. Wallahan, and others, concerning said lands, and to pay the said Robert T. Cassell Pay for service. and E. C. Ingersoll a reasonable compensation for their ser

vices in that behalf rendered.

§ 3. This act to be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED Feb. 16, 1865.

AN ACT in relation to the state library.

In force Feb. 16, 1865.

sell or exchange

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the librarian of the state library is hereby authorized to sell Librarian may at public auction, or private sale, any duplicate documents books. now in the library, or that may hereafter be received from the congress of the United States, or any of the departments at Washington, or he may exchange the same for any books not now in the library. Any and all money received by him for the sale of any books shall be used in the purchase of new books to be deposited in the library.

§ 2. The librarian shall prepare and cause to be printed catalogue of lia catalogue of the books contained in the library, arranged brary.

in such manner that they may be easily found.

ceive books.

§ 3. The librarian shall, at the end of each and every counties to resession, distribute all documents remaining undistributed by the members of the legislature, pro rata, to the counties, upon population.

§ 4. The librarian is hereby authorized to sell, to the what may be

best advantage, all such unbound journals, reports, or other documents now in the basement of the state house, which

are not required for the use of the state.


§ 5. The librarian shall deliver, for distribution, to the Agricultural resecretary of the State Agricultural Society, the surplus ports. copies of the agricultural reports now in the basement, reserving one hundred copies of each volume for exchange with other states and for future use.

§ 6. The librarian shall cause to be distributed to the Laws of congress clerks of the circuit courts of the counties, the laws of congress now on hand or which may be hereafter received.

§ 7. The sum of five hundred dollars annually is hereby ap- New books. propriated, for the purchase of new books, to be deposited in the library, to be expended by the librarian, who shall report, at each session of the legislature, the books purchased and the price paid for the same. The auditor of public accounts shall draw his warrant upon the treasurer for the




money hereby appropriated, in such sums as the librarian may direct; and the treasurer shall pay the same out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated.

Report of libra- § 8. The librarian shall report to the next session of the legislature the number of volumes or copies of books in the library or in the basement, not including the miscellaneous books or the laws, journals and reports of the other states. § 9. The documents required to be distributed by this act shall be sent to the county clerks, with the laws, journals and reports of each session of the legislature.

Journal of convention.

§ 10. The journals of the constitutional convention shall be distributed to the several counties, pro rata, in proportion to population, reserving in the library fifty copies, for the future wants of the state.

§ 11. This act is a public act, and shall be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

In force Feb. 16, 1865.

husband's ife.

AN ACT in regard to life insurance.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That it shall Wife may insure be lawful for any married woman, by herself and in her name, or in the name of any third person, with his assent, as her trustee, to cause to be insured, for her sole use, the life of her husband, for any definite period, or for the term of his natural life; and, in case of her surviving her husband, the sum or net amount of the insurance becoming due and payable by the terms of the insurance, shall be payable to her, to and for her own use, free from the claims of the representatives of her husband or of any of his creditors.


When children to § 2. In case of the death of the wife, before the decease of her husband, the amount of the insurance may be made payable, after death, to her children, for their use, and to their guardian, if under age; and if she leave no children, such insurance may be made payable to her heirs at law or legatee.

Tax repealed.

§ 3. All provisions in general or special laws requiring the payment of a tax or per centage, for city or local purposes, by any life insurance company, be and the same is hereby repealed.

Old policies valid § 4. This act shall apply to all policies now issued and coming within the provisions hereof, and such policies shall be as valid as if made after the passage of this act.

§ 5. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.




AN ACT requiring the holders of the so-called Macallister & Stebbins' bonds In force Feb. 16, to surrender the same by July 1st, 1865, under certain penalties, or by Jan

uary 1st, 1866, under other and heavier penalties.

WHEREAS, under the provisions of the law of Illinois, passed Preamble 1. February 10th, 1849, it became the duty of Messrs, Macalister & Stebbins to publish, under oath, a statement, showing the amount equitably due to the holders of the then outstanding, so-called Macalister & Stebbins bonds, giving the said holders six months from and after the date of such publication in which to come in and "accept or disprove the account so rendered by Macalister & Stebbins," or be bound by it; and whereas the exact extent of Preamble 2. the equitable liability of the state of Illinois to the holders of said bonds was determined by the said statement, so published by said Macalister & Stebbins, January 1st, 1850, (there having been no objection made to the correctness of said statement within the said period of six months,) as being $248 13 (two hundred and forty-eight 13-100 dollars) on each of said bonds of one thousand ($1,000) dollars; and whereas at that time it was provi- Preamble &. ded by the said law of 1849 that liquidation bonds of said state should be issued for the payment to the holders of said bonds of the amount then due them as aforesaid; and whereas the holders of one hundred and seventy- Preamble 4. eight of said old bonds of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each did not come forward and receive said new bonds in such payment; and whereas, since then, from time to Preamble 5. time, portions of said old bonds have been surrendered to the state, at the rate hereinbefore named, so that there now appear to be remaining outstanding one hundred and twenty-one (121) of said bonds, of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each; and whereas the state has, from time to time, in Preamble 6. various ways, been harrassed and annoyed by the presentation of said bonds and the demand for payment of the same at other rates than those hereinbefore named; therefore, for the purpose of removing this cause of trouble and putting an end to further hopes of the payment of said bonds on any other basis than hereinbefore set forth,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That, unless the said hereinbefore named bonds be presented for pay- Bonds to be prement on or before the first day of July, A. D. 1865, the in- 1, 1865. terest which the said state has heretofore considered as accruing on said amount so determined and allowed shall forever cease, from and after the last named date so to accrue thereon; and that if the said bonds shall not be presented for payment as hereinbefore provided for, by the first day of Bonds forfeited January, A. D. 1866, the state of Illinois shall not thereaf- 1866. ter deem herself liable at all for or on account of said bonds, either of principal or interest.

sented by July

after January 1, pital.


Notice by treas



§ 2. It shall be the duty of the state treasurer to publish a notice of the provisions of this law in a daily paper in New York city, for one week, in the month of March, A. D.


§ 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

In force Feb. 16, AN ACT in relation to the maps, plats, field notes, and other documents pertaining to the United States surveys in this state.



SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That section Section 3 of act three of an act entitled "An act to provide for the reception and preservation of the maps, plats, field notes, and other documents pertaining to the United States surveys in this state, and for making authenticated copies thereof," approved February 22, A. D. 1861, be and the same is hereby repealed.

When plats and § 2. That whenever a suitable fire-proof building or room removed to be shall be prepared, to the satisfaction of the governor, the said maps, plats, field notes and other records pertaining to said surveys, shall be removed and deposited in it.

§ 3. This act is a public act, and shall be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

In force April 16, AN ACT to enable the United States to build a marine hospital in the county of Cook, Illinois.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State o Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That jurisdic. Land ceded to tion is hereby ceded to the United States over so much land for marine hos- as may be necessary for the construction and maintenance

United States


of a marine hospital within this state, not to exceed ten acres of land, the same to be selected by an authorized officer of the United States, approved by the governor, and the oundaries of the land selected with such approval indorsed thereon, and a map thereof being filed in the office of the secretary of state of this state, and by him recorded: Provided, always, and the assent aforesaid is granted upon this express condition, that this state shall retain a concurrent jurisdiction with the United States in and over the tract aforesaid, so far as that all civil, and such criminal process as


may issue under authority of this state, against any person or persons charged with crimes committed without the bounds of said tract may be executed therein, in the same manner as though his assent had not been granted. APPROVED January 14, 1865.


AN ACT to extend the provisions of an act entitled "An act for the better In force Februasecurity of mechanics erecting buildings in the State of Illinois," approved ry 16, 1865. February 14, 1863.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the provisions of an act entitled "An act for the better security of Provisions of act mechanics erecting buildings in the state of Illinois," approved February 14th, 1863, be and the same are hereby extended to the county of Adams in said state; and all the provisions of said act shall extend to, and be in force in Adams county, aforesaid, the same as in the counties mentioned in third [the] original act.

§ 2. This act shall be a public act, and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

AN ACT to provide for the preparation of the Soldiers' National Cemetery In force Feb. 16,

at Gettysburgh, Pennsylvania.


ted for cemete

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000) be and the same is $3000 appropriahereby appropriated for the purpose of paying the propor-ry at Gettystion of this state, of the estimated expense of preparing the burgh. ground and furnishing the soldiers' national cemetery at Gettysburgh, in the state of Pennsylvania, and of making improvements upon that portion thereof which is set apart to this state.

§ 2. The governor is hereby authorized to disburse the Expense of com

missioners, how

moneys so appropriated, for the purpose above mentioned, paid.
and to appoint a commissioner to superintend the disburse-
ments of the moneys hereby appropriated, and to take
charge and represent the interests of this state in said cem-
etery, as provided by act of the legislature of the common-
wealth of Pennsylvania, incorporating the Soldiers' National
Cemetery Association. The necessary expenses incurred by
such commissioner in discharging his duties under this act,

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