tive mansion. annum for fuel and lights for executive mansion, and to pay Fuel for exeeuthe services of a competent person to take care of the garden Gard'ner of manand grounds attached to the executive mansion, and other ston. necessary expenses connected therewith; and the further sum of thirty-six hundred dollars per annum for clerk hire Clerk of gov'nor. in his office, subject to and to be paid to the governor quarterly, upon his order; to the executive department, for post- Postage, etc., for age, stationery, and other incidental expenses of the office, a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars. ex. dep't. state house, etc. Second-To the office of secretary of state, for furniture, Sec. of state, starepairs of office, postage, stationery, books, blanks, binding, tionery, etc. subscription to periodicals, etc., for state library, a sum not exceeding three thousand dollars; for fuel and lights for the Fuel and lightoffices in the state house, and for the legislature, stationery, printing, paper, blanks, porterage, and other incidental expenses necessary in the discharge of the duties required of the secretary of state, a sum not exceeding fifty thousand dollars; to the secretary of state, for clerk hire, the sum of Sec. of statetwenty-five hundred dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly; and the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars for making Indexes, laws, index to laws, journals and reports of this session of the reports general assembly. clerk Lire. journals. hire. and Third-To the auditor of public accounts, for clerk hire, Auditor for clerk the sum of thirty-five hundred dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly; to the office of auditor of public accounts, for furniture, repairs of office, printing, blanks, postage, stationery, Auditor's office, books, and other contingent expenses necessary in the dis- postage, etc. charge of the duties of said office, a sum not exceeding six thousand dollars. expenses of of Fourth-To the office of state treasurer, for books, furni- State treasurer, ture, postage, stationery, and other incidental expenses fice. necessary in the discharge of the duties of said office, a sum not exceeding one thousand dollars; to the state treasurer for clerk hire, the sum of two thousand dollars per annum, State treasurer, to be paid quarterly. clerk hire. struction, trav struction, ex Fifth To the office of superintendent of public instruc- Supt. publie intion, for traveling expenses, a sum not exceeding five hun- eling expenses. dred dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly; also, to the same, for furniture, repairs of office, and other incidental ex- Supt. publie inpenses of the office not provided for, a sum not exceeding penses of office. one thousand dollars; to the superintendent of public in- supt. public instruction, for clerk hire, the sum of fifteen hundred dollars struction, clerk per annum, to be paid quarterly; and, for his own salary, Supt. public inthe sum of two thousand dollars per annum, to be paid struct'n, salary. quarterly: Provided, the said salary shall not be paid under any other law. hire. missioners. Sixth-To the clerk of the fund commissioners' office, the clerk--fund comsum of twelve hundred dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly: Provided, that the said clerk shall not be employed Proviso. longer than is necessary in the opinion of the governor. Seventh-To the department of state geologist, for rent of Geology depart ment. For report. rooms occupied by the geological department, the sum of five hundred dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly, and the printing, sum of twenty thousand dollars, to defray the costs and exetc., 3000 copies penses, printing, engraving and binding three thousand copies of the report of the state geologist, in accordance with the joint resolution passed by this general assembly; and the governor and state geologist are hereby authorized and for empowered to make such contracts for the printing, engravprinting report. ing and binding of said copies as the best interests of the Contract state and the subject demand. Porters of state offices. institutions. Eighth--To the porters of the state offices, at the rate of two dollars per day, to be paid on the certificate of the secPenitenti'y com- retary of state, and thirty dollars to each member of the committee on the penitentiary and state institutions. Contingent fund Ninth-The sum of one hundred thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated Relief of Illinois as a contingent fund for the relief of sick and wounded sol soldier's sailors. Messengers and public service. ed. diers and sailors of Illinois, and to defray contingent expenses connected with the military service in this state; for on messengers on public service for this state by order of the governor, and such other unforseen services for the state as may be necessary; the same to be expended in such manner and in such sums as the governor shall, in his discretion, deem advisable, but no money shall be drawn from this fund Vouchers requir- except upon the filing of a statement, signed by the governor, showing for what purpose the same is drawn; and the bills of particulars shall be filed in the office of the auditor, showing how and for what purpose the same was expended. Repairs of exесиtive mansion. Old furniture may be sold. Tenth-That the sum of five thousand dollars ($5000), is hereby appropriated for the purpose of furnishing and repairing the executive mansion of this state; said money shall be subject to the order of the governor, and shall be used by him at his discretion for the purpose aforesaid. The governor is hereby authorized to dispose of all old and worn out furniture about the executive mansion, in such manner as he furniture shall deem best, and supply other good and substantial articles in place thereof. The governor shall keep an accurate account of all money received or expended by him, and port expendi- shall, at the next session of the general assembly of this mittee on public state, report such expenditures to the committee on public accounts. accounts and expenditures, and shall exhibit to said comVouchers requir- mittee vouchers for all money paid out or received by him New for mansion. Governor to re tures to ed. Ad. General, for olerk hire. Messengers. under the provisions aforesaid. Eleventh-To the office of the adjutant general, for clerk hire, the sum of five thousand dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly; for messengers, the sum of four hundred dollars Stationery, etc. per annum, to be paid quarterly; for stationery, printing, postage, telegraphing, furniture, rent of office, fuel, lights, expressing, and other incidental expenses necessary in the discharge of the duties of said office, a sum not exceeding Ad. Gen., salary. fifteen thousand dollars. To the adjutant general, the sum salary. of three thousand five hundred and ninety-four dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly, on his order. To the assistant Asst. Adi't Gen., adjutant general, the sum of eighteen hundred dollars per annum, to be paid quarterly, on the certificate of the adjutant general. All of the payments made under this eleventh Date of paym'ts. provision to date from the ninth day of January, 1865, inclusive. Twelfth-The sum of eight hundred dollars per annum is hereby appropriated for clerk hire, to be paid quarterly, upon the order of the clerk of the supreme court, for the clerk, supreme second grand division, and three hundred dollars per annum court, 2d div. is hereby appropriated to the clerk of the supreme court, of Clerk, supreme the first division, payable quarterly upon his order. § 2. The auditor of public accounts is hereby directed to draw his warrants upon the treasurer for the sums respectively herein specified; bills of particulars in all cases to be filed, where not otherwise provided, to be certified by the proper officer, and approved by the governor; and the treasurer shall pay the same out of any moneys in the trea-sury not otherwise appropriated. § 3. This act is a public act, and shall be in force from and after its passage. APPROVED Feb. 16th, 1865. court, 1st div. Auditor to draw warrant, treasurer to pay. AN ACT making certain appropriations not otherwise provided for. In force Feb. 16, 1865. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the people of the State of Illinois represented in the General Assembly, That the following sums be and the same are hereby appropriated to Appropriations pay the following bills which are not otherwise provided for: bills. unpaid J. C. Conkling To James C. Conkling, the sum of three hundred and for rent. twelve dollars and seventy-five cents, for rent of office occupied by the adjutant general from December 31, 1862, to June 12, 1863. for portraits. To George F. Wright, the sum of two thousand six hun- George F. Wright dred dollars for painting the portraits of the governors of this state, including that of the present governor, to be paid upon the certificate of the governor, after said portraits are completed. To A. Alvey, the sum of one hundred and seventy five A.Alvey for re dollars for transcribing records in the office of secretary of state. cords. To John P. Brooks, the sum of two hundred and nine John P. Brooks dollars for interest paid by him as superintendent of public instruction, for money advanced for the contingent expenses of said office, during the last two years. for interest. and John G. John Kuecherer To John Kuecherer and John G. Raps, the sum of one Raps, extra as hundred dollars each, for extra services, as porters in the porters. state house, during the years 1863 and 1864. Milton E. Morrell. To Milton E. Morrell, the sum of two thousand three hundred and seventy-two dollars, for services and expenses as allotment commissioner appointed by the governor to procure allotments for the families of Illinois soldiers, and the further sum of twelve hundred and eighty-six dollars Lewis Ellsworth. and sixty-six cents, to Lewis Ellsworth, for like service. Adjutant general's office. L. P. Sanger for plates. To the office of the adjutant general, the sum of nine thousand nine hundred and forty-three dollars and seventyfour cents, to pay for rent, books, stationary, printing, furniture, telegraphing, express charges and other incidental expenses of said office, from January 1st, 1863, to January 9th, 1865, not including any compensation to the adjutant general during said time: bills of particulars to be certified by the adjutant general, and approved by the governor. Bailhache & Ba ker. To L. P. Sanger, the sum of six hundred and seventyfive dollars, for engraving plates and printing bonds under the provisions of an act entitled "an act to provide for the payment of certain awards in relation to the Thornton loan, reported by Judges Treat, Caton and Scates, commissioners, appointed by the state." Approved February 21, 1861. To Bailhache & Baker, the sum of thirteen hundred and five dollars and fourteen cents, for ten thousand covers for volume number four, agricultural reports. ker. Bailhache & Baker. Bailhache & Ba- To Bailhache & Baker, the sum of two hundred and fifty-three dollars and nineteen cents, for printing reports, and publishing notices ordered by the bank commissioners. To Bailhache & Baker, the sum of two hundred and fifty-three dollars and nineteen cents, for printing reports and publishing notices ordered by the bank commissioners. To Baker & Phillips, the sum of sixty-two dollars and seventy-five cents, for printing reports and publishing notices ordered by the bank commissioners. Baker & Phillips. Alfred Webster. F. E. Payne. For newspapers for members To the several clergymen, nine in number, who officiated as such during the session of the 23d general assembly, the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be certified by the secretary of state. To Alfred Webster, the sum of sixty-five dollars for per diem and mileage for attendance upon the 23d general assembly, as a contestant for senator, from the 21st senatorial district, vice Pickett. To F. E. Payne, the sum of fifty-four dollars and five cents, for locks and keys and repairs for desks in the two houses and state offices in the state house. A sum sufficient to pay for the newspapers furnished to general assem- the members and officers of this general assembly, to be paid upon the certificates of the clerks and speakers of the respective houses, approved by the governor. bly. Officers and men of arsenal. A sum not exceeding six thousand five hundred dollars is hereby appropriated to pay for officers and men in charge of the arsenal, and other expenses in and about the same during the last two years, to be paid upon the filing of bills of particulars by the persons entitled thereto, approved by the governor; and a like sum is also hereby appropriated, or as much thereof as may be necessary to pay said officers, men, and expenses as aforesaid, for the next two years, to be paid as above. senate and To the extra clerks of the senate and house of represen- Extra clerks of tatives, during this session of the Legislature, each the sum of eight dollars per day during the time they were employ house. ed, to be certified by the speaker of their respective houses. To the clerks of committees, the sum of eight dollars per Clerks of comday, to be certified as above. mittees. To the pages, employed in the two houses, each the sum Pages. of two dollars per day, to be certified as above. To the page employed in the office of the secretary of Page of secretary state, a like sum per day, the number of days to be certified by the secretary of state. of state. mail carriers To the porters, firemen, mail carriers, and other em- Porters, firemen, ployees not otherwise provided for, each the sum of four dollars per day, during the session, to be certified by the re spective speakers of each house. and employees To the secretaries employed in the governor's office, the Secretaries sum of six dollars each, per day, during the session, to be certified by the governor. governor. of To the clerk in the library, the sum of five dollars per clerk in library. day during the session. 1864-5. To the clergymen, who have officiated during this ses- Clergymen sion, each the sum of twenty-five dollars, to be certified by the secretary of state. of A sum sufficient to defray the expenses of witnesses at- witnesses before tending before the committees of either house, the same to be certified by the chairman of the respective committees, and by the speaker of the house or senate, as the case may be, the amount to any such witness, not to exceed necessary traveling expenses and two dollars per day, during actual attendance, as a witness. committees. cure discharge of Illinois soldiers. The sum of four hundred dollars, or so much as may be Agents to pronecessary to pay the expenses, and for the services of the agents of the state of Illinois, who went to Washington, under the order of Governor Yates, to procure the discharge of certain Illinois soldiers from service in the marine artillery, so-called, the amount of such expenses and the value of such services, to be certified to by Governor Yates. To the Alton Bank, the sum of two hundred and seventy- Alton Bank. five dollars, being the balance due on a draft drawn by Governor Yates on said bank, May 13, 1861, for war purposes. To Thomas Lewis, the sum of two hundred and four dol- Thomas Lewis. lars and fifty cents for publishing the proceedings of the |