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Funds, drawn.

and also the necessary expenses already paid by the commissioners of this state, shall be drawn from the sum hereby appropriated, but they shall receive no other compensation for their services.

how § 3. It shall be the duty of the auditor of public accounts, upon application to him by the governor, to draw his warrant upon the state treasurer, payable to the order of the governor, for such sum or sums not exceeding the amount hereby appropriated, as he may specify to be used for the purpose hereinbefore described.

§ 4. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

In force Feb. 16, AN ACT to provide for the appointment, fix the pay and prescribe the du


ties of chief of ordnance of the state of Illinois.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the Duties of officer. governor of this state shall appoint one chief of ordnance, who shall keep his office at the capital of the state, and whose duty it shall be to take charge of the state arsenal and grounds, receive and issue ordnance and ordnance stores, upon requisitions properly approved by the governor, or the adjutant general of the state.

When clerk may

§ 2. That the chief of ordnance is hereby authorized, act as principal with the approval of the governor, to appoint one chief clerk, to assist in keeping the books and making out the returns of the ordnance department, and in the absence or by reason of the disability of the chief of ordnance to discharge the duties of said chief, and to do and perform all other duties appertaining to his office.

Salary of officers

and clerks.

Term of office.

Acts repealed.

§ 3. That the chief of ordnance shall be paid for his services a sum not exceeding two thousand dollars per annum, and that the chief clerk shall be paid for his services a sum not exceeding eighteen hundred dollars per annum, to be paid out of the general appropriation provided for the payment of officers and men employed at state arsenal, and other incidental expenses of the same.

§ 4. That the chief of ordnance shall hold his office du ring the present rebellion against the government of the United States, or so long thereafter, and no longer, as the governor of this state shall deem it to be to the interest of the state to continue said office.

§ 5. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this, are hereby repealed.


§ 6. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.


AN ACT to authorize and legalize the use of printed records by the clerks of In force Feb. 16, the several circuit and county courts, and for other purposes.



SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That for the purpose of securing uniformity in the county records through- Records to conout this state, the clerks of the circuit and county courts in the several counties in this state, are hereby authorized to procure suitable printed court records, fee books, conveyancing and real estate records, properly ruled and printed, to be filled up and used when practicable and as the circumstances of the case will allow; and the action of such clerks as have already procured said books is hereby legalized.

§ 2. It shall be the duty of county courts and boards of County to pay

supervisors to pay out of the county treasury, for all books that may be procured by said clerks, as provided by this


§ 3. This act shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage.

APPROVED February 16, 1865.

for records.

AN ACT to reduce the several acts in relation to printing and binding into In force Feb. 16, one act, and to amend the same.




SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Assembly, That the printing and binding of all laws, journals, reports and other Printing Rocuments, which now or hereafter may be required to be bindingontracte printed for the use of the state, shall be let by contract to the owest responsible bidder or bidders: Provided, that no Proviso. contract for printing or binding shall be let to any person hot a resident of this state, nor to any person who is not loing business as a printer or binder, as the case may be, in this state.

§ 2. It shall be the duty of the secretary of state, after Notice of letting having given six weeks' notice, to be published weekly in wo of the newspapers printed at the city of Springfield, and the two printed at the city of Chicago, having the largest weekly circulation, of the time of letting the printing of the laws, journals, reports and other documents which




may be required to be printed for the use of the state, to contract with some responsible printer or printers, to do the printing of the approaching session of the general assembly. Award of con- § 3. At the time designated in said advertisement for the opening of the bids, the secretary of state shall proceed to open the same in the presence of the governor, auditor and treasurer, or any two of them, and such other persons as may desire to witness the same, which said officers, or any three of them, shall award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders. Each person who may present a bid to the secretary of state shall inclose in the same envelope, with said bid, a good and sufficient bond in the penalty of twenty thousand dollars, conditioned that he or they will faithfully, and in a good and workmanlike manner, perform and execute all the public printing required to be done in pursuance of law, by direction of either branch of the general assembly, or any officer of the state, which said bond shall be approved by the governor and filed in the office of the secretary of state.

do all work.

Public printer to § 4. All laws, journals, reports, bills, messages, blanks, certificates, circulars or advertisements of any description whatsoever, which now are or hereafter may be required by law to be printed, or which shall be ordered to be printed by the general assembly, or by either branch thereof, or by the governor, or by either [of] the heads of departments in pursuance of law, and in the discharge of their official duties, shall be printed by the person or persons to whom the last contract for public printing shall have been awarded.

Prices of work.

§5. The prices of public printing shall be as follows, to wit: For plain work, seventy cents per thousand ems; for figure or rule work, one dollar and five cents per thousand ems; for figure and rule work, one dollar and forty cents per thousand ems, for composition; and seventy cents per token, of eight pages, for press work; for blanks of any de scription, one dollar and fifty cents for the first quire, and for each additional quire of the same kind, ordered at the same time, one dollar per quire, excepting when said blank are larger than a sheet of flat cap paper, or contain so much composition as to require additional compensation; ther the public printer shall be allowed to charge a reasonabl advance upon the prices above specified, for printing blanks which said advance charges shall be passed upon by th officers authorized to settle the printers' accounts, as herein after provided. The paper for such blanks, aforesaid, shal be furnished by the public printer at his own proper cos and charge, and shall not be charged to, nor paid for by th state; and if any of said blanks aforesaid, shall, in the opin ion of the officers ordering the same, be badly or inaccuratel Bad work may be printed, or be printed on paper of an inferior quality, th officers ordering them may refuse to receive them, and n Quire of blanks. work so rejected shall be paid for by the state. "A quir

of blanks," as used in this act, shall be construed to mean
twenty-four blanks of the size of a full sheet of flat cap paper,
or forty-eight blanks of any smaller size, or twenty-four
blanks of any smaller size which are printed on both sides
of the paper. For advertising, the public printer or printers
shall receive for each line of nonpareil type, or each line of
type of a smaller size, not more than ten cents for the first Prices.
insertion, and not more than seven and one half cents for each
additional insertion that may be ordered by the officer of
government who directs the same to be published.

lic and private


§ 6. There shall be printed at the close of each session Number of pubof the general assembly, eight thousand copies of the public, lawa or general laws, and two thousand copies of the private, or special laws, two thousand copies of the journals of the Journals and resenate, two thousand copies of the journals of the house of representatives, and two thousand copies of the reports which shall have been presented to such session of the general assembly.


Auditor's report.


Sup. pub. inst'n

§ 7. Before the commencement of each regular session Governor's mesof the general assembly, there shall be printed ten thousand copies of the governor's message, one thousand copies for the use of the governor, and the residue for the use of the general assembly. Five thousand copies of the report of the auditor of public accounts, five hundred copies for the use of said auditor, and the residue for the use of the members of the general assembly. Five thousand copies of the Treasurer's report of the state treasurer, five hundred copies for the use port. of the said treasurer, and the residue for the use of the members of the general assembly. Fifteen thousand copies of the report of the superintendent of public instruction, ten report. thousand copies for the use of the said superintendent, and the residue for the use of the members of the general assembly. Ten thousand copies of the report of the trustees and super- Reports of blind, intendents of the institutions for the education of the blind, deaf and dumb, deaf and dumb, and the insane, respectively, eight thousand stitutes for the use of the officers of each of the said institutions, respectively, and the balance for the use of the members of the general assembly; and three thousand copies of the report of the commissioners, warden, chaplain, and superintend- Penitentiary reent of the state penitentiary, for the use of the members of the general assembly. All orders for printing, in addition to the foregoing, shall be made by joint resolution: Provi- Proviso. ded, that either house may order to be printed any bills or reports of committees of such house, without the concurrence of the other branch of the general assembly.

and insane in

ports to con

§ 8. In printing and binding the reports made to the what printed regeneral assembly, there shall be included only the messages tain. of the governors, the reports of the auditor, treasurer, the superintendent of public instruction, the report of the bank conmissioners, the special reports of standing or select committees of the respective houses, the reports of the trustees

What reports not


Form of laws, &c



Title page of re ports.

and superintendents of the institutions for the insane, blind, deaf and dumb, the reports of the commissioners, warden, chaplain and superintendent of the penitentiary, report of the trustees and officers of the Illinois and Michigan canal. But the transactions of the state agricultural and hor ticultural societies, the report of the adjutant general, the quartermaster general, and the state geologist, shall not be included in said volume.

§ 9. Each edition of the laws, journals, and reports, required by the provisions of this act to be printed, shall be bound in octavo volumes; the public or general laws to be bound in one volume, and the private or special laws to be bound in one volume: Provided, that if either the public or private laws contain more than one thousand pages, the same may be bound in two volumes, at the discretion of the secretary of state. The journal of the senate shall be bound in one volume, and the journal of the house of representatives shall be bound in one volume. The current reports shall be bound in one volume: Provided, that when they comprise more than one thousand pages, they may be bound in one or more volumes, at the discretion of the secretary of state. One thousand pages, as near as may be, to be the standard size of a volume.

§ 10. In printing messages, reports and other documents ordered to be printed by either branch of the general assembly, or by any officer of the state, or in pursuance of any law or resolution of either branch of the general assembly,

Title page to laws the public printer may prefix a title page to each report, message, reports of heads of departments, or the reports of the officers of state institutions, and shall dispense with title pages in reports of committees and other short documents; but may place a title at the top of the first page of every such document. A title page shall be prefixed to the volume of laws, reports, and the journals of the senate and house of representatives, and a half title may be prefixed to each report in the volume of reports; but the said printer shall dispense with all unnecessary blank pages in printing the books which he may be required to print as aforesaid.

Pica for laws

Nonpareil notes.


§ 11. The laws passed by the general assembly shall be printed in small pica type, and the marginal notes thereto inay be printed in nonpareil type, or type of a smaller size; Journals small the journals of the senate and house of representatives shall be printed in type of no larger size than small pica, nor in type of a smaller size than long primer; but the lists of yeas


In brevier.

Yeas and nays and nays therein shall be printed in brevier type. Reports and other documents shall also be printed in small pica type, and all figure or other tables therein, shall be printed in type of no larger size than brevier, nor in type of a smaller size than nonpareil. Bills for the use of the general assembly shall be printed in type of no larger size than pica, nor in type of a smaller size than small pica.

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