Validating sale of real property notwithstanding faulty advertising. Title complete. CHAPTER 4. An Act validating the sale of certain lands, hereditaments or real estate made under any decree, judgment or order of any court of this State, or by any municipality, or upon any execution, resolution, ordinance, or other process or order issued by virtue thereof. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. No sale of any lands, tenements, hereditaments or real estate heretofore made by virtue of any decree, order or judgment of any court of this State, or any execution or other process issued thereon, or by any municipality by virtue of any resolution or ordinance, shall be invalidated by reason of any omission to properly advertise such sale or any adjournment thereof in the manner or for the length of time then required by law, or by reason of any other irregularity or default in such advertisement of such sale, but the purchaser or purchasers of such lands, tenements, hereditaments or real estate having paid the price therefor and having received his, her, its or their deed therefor, his, her, its or their heirs, successors or assigns shall be deemed to have as good and complete a title thereto as if such sale or adjournment had been in all particulars duly advertised or as if there had been duly inserted any matters required by law to be inserted in any such advertisement thereof. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. CHAPTER 5. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to regulate elections" (Revision of 1920), passed May fifth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty, passed February twenty-fourth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: members of county boards of elections. 1. Section eighteen of Article VI of the act of which Sec. 18, Art. VI, this act is amendatory be and the same is hereby amended. amended so that the same shall read as follows: 18. The chairman of the State committee of each of Selection of the two political parties as aforesaid, shall, during the month of February, in writing, nominate two persons residing in each county, qualified as aforesaid for members of the county board of elections in and for such county; and if nomination be made in said month of February the Governor shall commission such appointees on or before the first day of March; provided, Proviso. that two of such appointees, who shall be members of opposite parties, shall be commissioned for the term of Terms. one year from the first day of March and the remaining members shall be appointed for the term of two years from the first day of March; and thereafter one mem- One named ber of such board shall be nominated annually by each of said chairmen, in the same manner, in the month of February, and shall be commissioned by the Governor as aforesaid, and shall continue in office for two years from the first day March next after their appointment. The terms of office of all members now holding office Expiration which terminate on the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, shall terminate on the irst day of March, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six. The terms of office of all members now holding office which terminate on the first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six, shall terminate on the first day of March, one thousand nine hun annually. of terms. Proviso. Naming members in third dred and twenty-seven; provided, however, that in all third class counties of this State, now or hereafter class counties. having a population of less than forty thousand inhabitants, as ascertained by the preceding federal census, and commencing with the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, the members of the county board of elections in such counties shall be recommended by the chairmen of the respective county committees to the State chairmen of the two political parties, which recommendations shall be binding upon the said State chairmen and the Governor shall commission such appointees on or before the first day of March in each year. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Section 1 amended. Disposition of children by deed or will. CHAPTER 6. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act relative to guardians and minors" (Revision), approved March twenty-seventh, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. Section one of the act to which this act is an amendment is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. That when any person hath or shall have any child or children under the age of twenty-one years, and not married at the time of his or her death, it shall be lawful for the father or mother of such child or children, whether born at the time of the decease of the father or mother or at that time in ventre sa mere, or whether such father or mother be within the age of twenty-one years, or of full age, by his or her deed executed in his or her lifetime or by his or her last will and testament in writing, made and published by such father or mother proved. according to law, and proved and recorded in the manner prescribed by the laws of this State, to dispose of the custody and tuition of such child or children for and during such time as he, she or they shall respectively remain under the age of twenty-one years or any less time, to any person or persons in possession or remainder; provided, that the other parent of the child, if liv- Proviso ing, consent to such appointment, which consent shall consent by be in writing, and signed and acknowledged by such parent in the presence of two witnesses present at the same time, who shall subscribe their names thereto as witnesses in the presence of such parent, and such con- Consent sent shall be proved to have been so given and acknowledged at the time the will appointing the testamentary guardian shall be admitted to probate; and such dispo- Effect of sition of the custody of such child or children so made disposition. as aforesaid, shall be good and effectual against all and every person or persons claiming the custody or tuition. of such child or children, as guardian in socage or otherwise; and such person or persons to whom the custody Rights of of such child or children hath been or shall be so disposed or devised as aforesaid, may maintain an action of ravishment of ward or trespass against any person or persons who shall wrongfully take away or detain such child or children, for the recovery of such child or children, and may recover damages for the same in the said action, for the use and benefit of such child or children; and may take into his, her or their custody, for the use of such child or children, the profits of all lands, tenements and hereditaments of such child or children; and also the custody and management of the goods, chattels and personal estate of such child or children, till his or her or their respective age of twentyone years or any less time, according to such disposition aforesaid; and may bring such action or actions in relation thereto, as by law a guardian in common socage might do. custodian. 2. Section two of the act to which this act is an Section 2 amendment is hereby amended to read as follows: amended. of guardian. 2. That if no guardian shall have been appointed Appointment under the last preceding section, the sole surviving parent of any minor child or children may by his or her Power of guardian. last will and testament made and published, and proved 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Validating elections in fourth class cities. CHAPTER 7. An Act to validate and confirm any election heretofore held in cities of the fourth class having a population of not more than ten thousand inhabitants, which said election was held pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled "An act relating to, regulating and providing for the government of cities, towns, townships, boroughs, villages and municipalities governed by boards of commissioners or improvement commissions in this State," which said act was approved April twenty-fifth, one thousand nine hundred and eleven, the title of which was amended to read as above set forth by an act approved April second, one thousand nine hundred and twelve. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. All elections heretofore held in any city of the fourth class having a population of not more than ten thousand inhabitants, which said elections were held pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled "An act relating to, regulating and providing for the government of cities, towns, townships, boroughs, villages and municipalities governed by boards of commissioners and improvement commissions in this State," which |