CHAPTER 14. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act creating a State Athletic Commission for the regulation of boxing and sparring exhibitions and performances, and defining its powers and duties," approved March fourth, one thousand nine hundred and eighteen, as the title of said act was amended by act of March nineteenth, nineteen hundred and twenty. BE IT ENACTED by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. Section fourteen of the act of which this act is Section 14 amendatory be and the same is hereby amended so that amended. the same shall read as follows: contest. 14. No boxing or sparring match or exhibition or per- Rounds formance shall be of more than fifteen rounds in length permitted. and the contestants shall wear during such contests gloves Gloves. weighing at least eight ounces each, and no decision shall be given in any such exhibition, match or performance except that in any contest in which the title of the di- Decision vision, class or grade to which the contestants belong shall be subject to being won, or in the event of a contest being held which in the judgment of the State Athletic Commissioner should be a decision contest; in any decision contest under this act such decision shall be rendered by the referee immediately upon the conclusion of the contest. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Approved February 28, 1928. Acts repealed. CHAPTER 15. An Act to repeal two acts concerning the vacation of streets and avenues in this State. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. From and after the time when this act shall take effect, the following acts and parts of acts be and the same are hereby repealed: "An act concerning the vacation of streets and avenues in municipalities of this State," known as Chapter 320 of the Laws of 1926, and "An act to amend an act entitled 'An act concerning the vacation of streets and avenues in municipalities of this State,' approved March thirty-first, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-six," known as Chapter 52 of the Laws of 1927. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 6, 1928. Section 2 amended. CHAPTER 16. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act for the protection of certain kinds of birds, game and fish, to regulate their method of capture and provide open and close seasons for such capture and possession" (Revision of 1903), approved April fourteenth, one thousand nine hundred and three. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. Section two of the act to which this act is amendatory be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: rabbits. 2. Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to Trapping or shooting prevent farmers and fruit growers from trapping gray squirrels and squirrels, rabbits or hare in box traps, or shooting gray squirrels, rabbits or hare during the entire year; pro- Proviso vided, however, that such trapping or shooting shall be done on the property owned or leased for the raising of fruit, vegetables, trees, shrubbery, nursery stock, or other produce by the person so trapping or shooting; and provided, that the person so trapping or shooting Proviso. shall first have made an affidavit before a justice of the peace or any official authorized to administer oaths, that gray squirrels or rabbits have injured fruit, vegetables, trees, shrubbery, nursery stock or other produce on his or her premises, and shall have immediately sent the same to the president of the Fish and Game Commission, who, upon the receipt of the said affidavit, shall in his discretion issue to said person or his author- Permit. ized representative a permit to so trap or shoot, and the person so trapping shall keep the gray squirrels or rabbits alive, and notify the fish and game warden of the county, who shall liberate said gray squirrels or rabbits in such parts of the State as may be directed by the Board of Fish and Game Commissioners, and the person so shooting shall report the number of gray Report. squirrels or rabbits killed to the game warden of the county in which such gray squirrels or rabbits were killed, within forty-eight hours after such killing; pro- Proviso. vided, further, that no person or persons shall be permitted to barter or sell any gray squirrels or rabbits so trapped or shot. Approved March 6, 1928. Section 10 amended. Practicing law by county. clerk. Penalty. CHAPTER 17. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act relative to clerks of counties and of county courts" (Revision of 1902), approved April third, one thousand nine hundred and two. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. Section ten of the above-entitled act be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: 10. The clerk of a county shall not be allowed to practice or act as an attorney-at-law in any of the courts of the county in which he may be so elected, of which he may be clerk, or to hold or exercise the office of justice of the peace; and if any clerk shall practice or act contrary to the prohibition aforesaid, for each offense he shall be liable to the penalty of fifty dollars, to be recovered in an action of debt, by any person who shall prosecute for the same, in any court where the same is cognizable, with costs of suit, and shall also be liable to be removed from office by impeachment. 2. This act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 6, 1928. Site for armory in Woodbury. CHAPTER 18. An Act providing for the purchase of a site for and the erection, construction and equipment of an armory in the city of Woodbury, in the county of Gloucester in this State. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: 1. The State Military Board is hereby constituted a commission to acquire on behalf of, and in the name of the State, a suitable site in the city of Woodbury, in the county of Gloucester in this State, and to cause an armory to be constructed and erected thereon for the use of the State Militia, and to suitably equip the same when erected as aforesaid. 2. For the purpose of carrying into effect the pro- Appropriation. visions of this act there is hereby appropriated the sum of seventy-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the said construction, erection and equipment of the said armory, when such sum is included in any annual or supplemental appropriation bill. 3. This act shall take effect immediately. Approved March 6, 1928. CHAPTER 19. An Act to amend an act entitled "An act to establish a State Highway System, and to provide for the improvement, betterment, reconstruction, resurfacing, maintenance, repair and regulation of the use thereof" (Revision of 1927), approved March thirtieth, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-seven. Be it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly of the State of New Jersey: amended. 1. Section twenty-eight of the act of which this act Section 28 is amendatory be and the same is hereby amended so that the same shall read as follows: 28. Route No. 35. South Amboy Bridge plaza to Route 35. Lakewood by way of Keyport, Eatontown, Belmar, Manasquan, Point Pleasant, Laurelton to Lakewood; provided, however, that the State Highway Commission Provisoshall construct said route from moneys other than funds. moneys realized pursuant to the provisions of an act entitled "An act for the construction, improvement, reconstruction and rebuilding of the State Highway Sys provision for |