GENERAL INDEX. Abridgments, &c., vi., xxii Administration, two suits, 20, 298 lease, 208 Articled clerks, prizes for, xx Assets, residuary real estate, 208 staying action, costs, 208 Bailment jus tertiü, 164 personal estate, 22 Book-keeping, works on, ii vi, Books, law, xv. xvii, xix, xx, xxii Chose in action, assignment, 164 Church, attendance at, 84 Condition precedent, certificate, 77 Contract, alterations in, 73 broker's note, 77 Copyhold, digging sand, 166 waste, carrying away sand, 77 Coroner, jury dispersing, 77 Correspondents on Most Points, vii, 84,109-112, xxiv Costs, arbitration, 212 counsel's fees, 212 small sum, 212 Covenant, running with land, notice, 300 fraudulent preference, 201-204 County Courts, equitable jurisdiction, invalid covenant, 76 misdescription, 21 release from custody, 76 statement, incorrect, 275 surety, 21 271-275 Crown debts, law of, 256 Damages, equity, 277 measure of, 212 Death, accidental, 78 suspending proceedings, 276, Declaration, several counts, 219 277 trust deed, security, 211 Decree, enrolment, time, 167 Deeds, consideration, 10 covenants, 12 habendum, 12 operative words, 11 parcels, 11 parties to, 7 recitals, 8 trust deed, tender of money, 75, Descent, purchasers, class of, 167 202 Bar, admission to, 55 Devise, after-acquired property, 243 -245 Foreclosure, documents, 168 Fraud, suretyship, 213 trust fund, 224 Frauds, statute, 214 Fund in Court, stop order, 216 Highway, non-repair, 80 of deed, abroad, 82 chose in action, administration, xxix equity to settlement, 300 liability for wife's contracts, 261 -266 non-acknowledgment of mortgage, 81 protection order, 81 restraint on alienation, 277 iv Merger, debts, 222 Mesne profits, 95 Mines, shafts, support, 303 sinking shaft, 278 Monastic orders, xviii Moot Points, iii, vii, xi, 83, 112, xv, xvi, xvii, xix, xxiii, xxVI, xxiv, 280, xxv, xxix, 335 Mortgage, insurance, 218 personal estate liable, 25 Name, &c, of plaintiff, 135 V Petition of right, 219 Power, insolvency, 304 Public company, contributory, 221 directors' liability, 97 Remainder, contingent, 222 Reports, foreign, 28 marriage, 98 Specific Performance, questions of title, 248 suppression of facts, 137 Stamp, agreements, xxix Summary of decisions, 20-28, 7383, 94-98, 135-140, 164168, 207-224, 246 - 250, 275-280, 298-308 Surety, concealment, 220 Time, fraction of day, 75 Reversionary interest, mortgage, 26 Trade marks, several interested, 223 Revivor, death, 26. 164 Sale, charge of debts, 304 deficiency in quantity, 307 fraud, 139 goods, warranty, 280 growing crops, 249 Salmon fishery, 26 Shipping, master's contract, 222 doctrines of, 138 Trespass, license, 138 Trust, delay, &c., 27 following fund, 224 INDEX TO EXAMINATION ANSWERS AND STUDIES. COMMON LAW. Actions, joinder of, 170, 292 local and transitory, 29, 132 Agent, binding principal, deed, 172 Bill of lading, 33, 134 Bill of sale, affidavit, 310 filing, 310 Carrier, lost goods, suing, 170 notice of taxing, 310 recovering, 169, 292 County Court, replevin, other causes of action, 310 Declaration, time for, 311 stranger's goods, 33, 134 Ejectment, pleadings, issue, 143 Evidence, witness abroad, 32 Execution, in force, 311 Husband and wife, suing and sued, 141 Infant, appearance, 31 Innkeeper, lost goods, 32, 134 warehouse rent, 309 Limitations, statute, 142 Injury by fellow servant, 309 New trials, appeal, 171 motion, 144 Notice to quit, 171 vi Motions and petitions, 179 Pari delicto, 151, 316 Partnership, dissolution, 318 Partners, suing each other, 142, 172, Plea, 40, 314 Property, lex loci et domicilie, 149 41, 236, 317 Special Case, 178 Specific performance, 177 paro contract, 38 Trusts, enforced, 149, 239 implied, &c., 149 time no bar, 149 Trustees, appointment of, 317 relief of, 39 Administration, proceedings, 39, 235 Voluntary incomplete gifts, 149. 240 suit, steps in, 152 Will, undisposed residue, 150, 242 Answer, 314 Costs, security for, 180 CONVEYANCING. taxation, application, 40, 180, Accumulation, time, 176, 297 235 taxation, reviewing, 40, 235 trustees severing, 180 County Court, equitable jurisdiction, 318 Decree, enrolling, 38, 235 Defences, 40 314 Demurrer, 40, 314 Devise, on condition, 151 Disclaimer, 40, 314 Advowson, 145 Apportionment, dividends, 314 Curtesy, 148, 239 Death of devisee, 175 |