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Formula.-Every fluid drachm contains 15 grs. each of pure Brom. Potas and purified Chloral and gr. each of gen. imp. ext. Cannabis Ind, and Hyoscyam,

Dose.-One-half to one fluid drachm in Water or Syrup, every hour until sleep is


BROMIDIA is the Hypnotic par excellence. It produces refreshing sleep, and is exceedingly valuable in sleeplessness, nervousness, neuralgia, headache, convulsions, colic, etc., and will relieve when opiates fail. Unlike preparations of Opium, it does not lock up the secretions. In the restlessness and delirium of Fevers it is absolutely invaluable.

F. H. DAVENPORT, M.D. Boston, Mass.

Ass't in Gynecology, Harvard Univ. Med. Dep. J. K. BAUDUY, A.M., M.D., LL. D. &. Louis Mo., Prof. Nervous and Mental Diseases, Misiouri Medical College.

L. CH. BOISLINIERE, M.D., LL. D. St. Louis, Mo., Prof. of Obstetrics and diseases of women St. Louis Medical College.

J. S. JEWELL, A. M., M.D., Chicago. Ill.

Ed. "Journal of Mental and Nervous diseases," and Prof. Nervous and Mental diseases, Chicago Medical College.

H. M. LYMAN, A. M., M.D., Chicago Ill.

Prof. Physiology and Diseases of the Nervous system, Rush Medical College.

D. R. BROWER, M.D., Chicago, Ill.

Ed. "Chicago Medical Journal and Examiner," and Prof. Nervous and Mental Diseases, etc., Woman's Medical College.

I. N. DANFORTH, M.D., Chicago, Ill.

Prof. Pathology and Diseases of the Kidneys, Woman's Hospital Medical College; President and Lecturer on Pathology, Spring Faculty, Rush Medical College.

D. D. BRAMBLE, M. D., Cincinnati, O.

Dean; Prof. Principles and Practice Surgery and Clinical Surgery, Cincinnati College Medicine and Surgery.

WILLIAM CLENDENIN, M.D., Cincinnati, O. Prof. Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy, Miami Medical College.

J. H. MCINTYRE, A.M., M D., St. Louis, Mo., Prof Gynecology, College for Medical Practitioners.

W. B. FLETCHER, M D. Indianapolis, Ind., Prof. Physiology, Hygiene, and Clinical Medicine, Medical College of Indiana.

W. J. SCOTT, M.D., Cleveland, O.,

Prof. Principles and Practice of Medicine, Medical Department, Wooster University.

H. H. POWELL, M.D, Cleveland. O., Prof. Obstetrics and Diseases Children, Cleve land Medical College.

A. A. SMITH, M.D, N. Y.,

Prof of Mat. Med. and Therapeutic and Clinical Medicine, Bellevue Hospital Med. College. H. O. MARCY, A.M., M.D., Boston.

Prest. of the American Academy of Medicine.

BATTLE & CO., Chemists, St. Louis.





PAPINE is the Anodyne or Pain, Relieving Principle of Opium in a pleasant liquid form. Its advantages are: That it produces the good effect of Opium without the disagreeable tendency to cause nausea, vomiting etc. It is the safes and most pleasant of all the preparations of Opium, and is uniform in strength. It can be relied upon in all cases where Opium or Morphine is indicated.

ONE FLUID drachm represents one grain of Opium in Anodyne Power. AVERAGE DOSE, one-half to one teaspoonful.

Prepared Exclusively for Physicians Prescriptions.



Dayton's Emulsion Pure Cod Liver Oil.


In calling the attention of the Medical Profession to Chondroleine or Dayton's Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the manufacturers deem it necessary to dwell on the medical virtues of its constituent parts, they being so well known and appreciated as to require no repetition by us.

The thorough incorporation of these valuable remedial agents, and the fact that the objectionable taste and smell of Cod Liver Oil have been entirely overcome, will, we believe, commend our preparation to the practitioner, who can prescribe Chondroleine with every assurance that it will not disturb the most sensitive stomach. It having been our aim to make Chondroleine the most palatable emulsion on the market.

[blocks in formation]

Messrs. Leich & Carlstedt-Gentlemen-After a careful examination of your Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, I feel satisfied that it is preferable in many respects to other Emulsions now in the market. I shall take pleasure in prescribing the same. A. M. Owen, M.D.

Messrs. Leich & Carlstedt, Evansville, Ind.—Sirs:-It affords me pleasure to inform you that I can confidently recommend your Chondroleine as one of the most elegant Emulsions of Cod Liver Oil that I have prescribed. Yours, etc., J. E. Harper, M.Ď.

Messrs. Leich & Carlstedt, Evansville, Ind.-Gentlemen :-I have tested your preparation of Chondroleine and find that it possesses some qualities that should highly recommend it. The objectionable taste and smell of Cod Liver Oil, so frequently urged by patients, appears to be quite overcome by the pleasant flavor of your Emulsion. Respectfully, J. W. Compton, M.D.

I cheerfully endorse the above statement of Dr. Compton. G. B. Walker, M.D. Messrs. Leich & Carlstedt-I have had very satisfactory results from the use of your Chondroleine or Dayton's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Irish Moss and Hypophos. phites of Lime and Soda, and shall continue to prescribe it in my practice whenever such a combination is indicated. I find it to be the most palatable preparation of Cod Liver Oil. January 14th, 1882. Oscar DeKress, M.D.

Messrs. Leich & Carlstedt-Your Chondroleine or Dayton's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil, Hypophosphites Lime and Soda with Irish Moss, is a most complete emulsion. The Oil is masked by Irish Moss, so as to render it much more palatable than any other saponaceous or amygdaloid preparation possibly could be. In fact it is with the utmost difficulty that the Oil can be detected by either taste or smell. Chondroleine comes nearer an ideal therapeutic preparation for building up a wasted constitution, for allaying lung irritation, for increasing the apetite and nervous energy, than any other combination that has so far come under my notice. Permit me to congratulate you upon your most happy therapeusis. Evansville, Ind., Jan. 16th, 1882. Geo. F. Center, A.M., M.D. Very Respectfully,

Evansville, Ind.


For Sale by Richardson & Co., St. Louis, Mo.; Morrison, Plummer & Co., Chicago; A. Kiefer, Indianapolis, Ind; R. Macready & Co., Cincinnati; Otto Rauchfuss & Co., Cincinnati; Colburn, Birks & Co., Peoria, Ill.; Arthur Peter & Co., Louisville, Ky.; J. B. Wilder & Co., Louisville, Ky.; Or Charles S. Prowitt, Pharmacist, cor. 16th and Arapahoe Sts., Denver, Colo.

At the solicitation of leading physicians of Colorado and adjacent Territories, I have resumed the sale of



It is my purpose to keep in stock a full line of goods usually in demand, together with the most Modern and Improved Instruments and Appliances in use with the more advanced members of the medical profession. Quality Fully Guaranteed. Prices conform to those of Eastern Manufacturers, and liberal discount made on quantities. Orders by Mail, Telegraph or Telephone, promptly filled. TERMS Your Patronage is respectfully solicited.


P. O. BOX 2050.


College of Physicians & Surgeons


The regular session of this institution will commence Sept. 25, 1883, and continue twenty-four weeks.

There will also be a practioners' and spring course.

A graded course of instruction covering two or more winter sessions. The College Building (directly opposite the Cook County Hospital) is one of the most complete and elaborate edifices devoted to medical teaching in this country. Excellent clinical advantages.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

For further information or announcements, address:

DR. D. A. K. STEELE, Sec'y,

1801 State St., Chicago, Ill.


Has been proved of the highest value in CONSUMPTION and all Wasting Diseases, invariably producing Imme

diate increase in Flesh and Weight.

[blocks in formation]

DOSE-Two teaspoonfuls alone, or mixed with twice the quantity of soft water, to be


The principles upon which this discovery is based have been described in a Treatise on "THE DI GESTION and ASSIMILATION OF FATS IN THE HUMAN BODY," by H. C. Bartlett, Ph D. F. C. S., and the experiments which were made, together with cases illustrating the effect of Hydrated Oil in practice, are concisely stated in a Treatise on "Consumption and Wasting Disease,” Ġ. Overend Drewry, M.D.

In these Treatises the Chemistry and Physiology of the Digestion of the Fats and Oils is made clear, not only by the description of a large number of experiments scientifically conducted, but by cases in which the deductions are most fully borne out by the results.

Copies of these Valuable Works will be Sent FREE on Application.




HYDROLEINE is readily tolerated by the most delicate stomachs, even when the pure Oil or the most carefully prepared Emulsions are rejected. The oil is so treated with pancreatin, soda, boric and hyocholic acids, that the process of digestion is partially effected before the organs of the patient are called upon to act upon it. Consequently it is readily assimilated. It will nourish and produce increase in weight in those cases where oils or fats, not so treated, are difficult or impossible to digest. In Consumption and other wasting diseases, the most prominent symptom is emaciation, of which the first is the starvation of the fatty tissues of the body, including the brain and nerves. This tendency to emaciation and loss of weight is arrested by the regular use of Hydroleine, which may be discontinued when the usual average weight has been permanently regained.

The permanence and perfection of the emuision, and the extreme solubility of the Hydrated Oil, solely prepared and sold by us under the name of Hydroleine, is shown by its retaining its cream-like condition as long as the purest Cod-Liver Oil will retain its sweetness. Unlike the preparations mentioned, or simple Cod-Liver Oil, it produces no unpleasant eructation or sense of nausea, and should be taken in such very much smaller doses, according to the directions, as will ensure its complete assimilation; this, at the same time, renders its use economical in the highest degree.

To brain-workers of all classes, Hydrated Oil is invaluable, supplying, as it does, the true brain food. Economical in Use-Certain in Results. Tonic-Digestive and highly Nutritive




KIDDER & LAIRD Agents for the U. S.

Price at Retail, $1.00 per Bottle. Depot, 83 John Street, New York.

Dr. H. H. Kane, late Superintendent of the De Quincey Home, and author of "Drugs that Enslave," "Morphia Hypodermically," "Opium Smoking," &c., begs leave to announce the discovery by him of a combination of Remedies whereby any habitue can cure himself at home in a short time. Endorsed by the most eminent men in the profession. Special terms to physicians and their patients. Full particulars on application. Address:


DR. H. H. KANE, 46 W. 14th St., New York.



(Formerly of BLISS & SHARP, and BLISS & TORREY,)
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in

and Physicians' Goods

-Manufacturer of all kinds of

Instruments for Deformities of the Human Frame

Elastic Stockings for enlarged Veins, Shulder Braces, Braces for
Curvature of Spine, Bow Legs, Weak Ankles, Club Feet, Mag-
netic Batteries, Ear Trumpets, Crutches, Trusses, Invalid
Chairs, Rubber Goods. Vial Cases, Medicine Cases,

Manufacturer of Bliss' Prairie Cases.

Pocket Case, $14; Obstetrical Case, $15; Amputating Case, $21
Operating Case, $45; Buggy Case, $8; Bliss' Abdominal

Supporters, $6.

New Goods. No Old Stock. Low Prices.

Send For Catalogue.

79 Randolph Street, CHICAGO, ILL.



Manufacturers and Importers of

Surgeons' Instruments

Appliances for the echanical Treatment of the Deformities, Debilities and Deficiencies of the Human Frame.


Galvanic Batteries, Faradic Batteries, Electrodes, Bow Leg Braces, Spine Braces
Club Foot Shoes, Saddle Bags, Medicine Chests, Crutches,
Steam and Hand Atomizers, Trusses.


Elastic Bandages, Shoulder Braces, Abdominal Supporters, Splints, Anatomical Models, Skulls, Rubber Bed-Sore Cushions, Rubber Hot Water Bottles, Rubber Pillows, Rubber Chair-Cushions, Rubber Urinals,

Skeletons, Syringes, all kinds.

Instruments and Batteries Repaired.

100 Randolph St.

(Between Clark and Dearborn,)



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