Five per cent on Sales of Public Lands by the United States Old Furniture, etc.. $5,822 07 5 00 1,911 00 945 75 359 15 $1,446 09 38 00 Fees, etc., State Land Office. 909 39 The amount to $12,658.63, and are for amounts carried to other funds. items which make up this amount, and references to the laws under which he transfers were made, are shown in table No. 3, page 6. THE CREDIT TRANSFERS amount to $149,893.55, and were made for reasons indicated in table No. 3, page 6. SPECIFIC TAX FUND, TABLE NO. 14, PAGE 20.. The State Constitution provides for the disposition of the Specific Taxes received by the State Treasurer. The amount received during the year was $934,176.69, the disposition of which is shown in Table No. 3, page 6. Table No. 45, page 59, shows, by classes and totals, the uncollected tax, June 29, 1889; the amount charged during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1890, and also such taxes as fall due in July, 1890, the amount due and the amount paid in 1890; and the balance unpaid June 30, 1890. The receipts were from River Improvement, Railroad, Insurance, Plank Road, Express, Telegraph and Telephone, Mining, Freight, Sleeping and Palace Car Companies. RIVER IMPROVEMENT COMPANIES paid $2,294.63. Table No. 46, page 60, shows, by companies and totals, the unpaid tax at the commencement and close of year, the amount charged, the amount due, and the amount paid during the year; also the amount of capital paid in. D RAILROAD COMPANIES paid $669,881.04. Table No. 47, pages 61, 62, 63, 64 and 65, shows, by companies and totals, the unpaid tax at commencement and close of year, the amount charged, the amount due, and the amount paid during the year; also, the basis of taxation. INSURANCE COMPANIES paid $159,625.77. Table No. 48, pages 66 and 67, shows the class and amount of Insurance Tax paid, and location of the companies paying the paid $22,291.64. Table No. 49, pages 68 and 69, shows the amount paid by each Plank Road, Express, Telegraph and Telephone Company. MINING COMPANIES paid $76,316.32. Table No. 50, pages 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75, shows the amounts by classes and counties; also, the basis of tax, the tax charged, and amount paid during year, and balances unpaid at commencement and close of year. FREIGHT, SLEEPING, AND PALACE CAR COMPANIES paid $90.87. Table No. 51, page 76, shows, by companies and totals, the unpaid tax at the commencement and close of year, the amount charged, the amount due, and the amount paid during the year; also, the basis of taxation. PRIMARY SCHOOL INTEREST FUND. As appears in Table No. 22, page 22, there was $821,599.59 paid during the year for the support of Primary Schools. Table No. 59, pages 86 and 87, gives the amount paid each county, as apportioned by the Superintendent of Public Instruction; also, the number of children forming the basis of such apportionment. OTHER GENERAL LEDGER FUNDS. The number and character of the entries are such that the details are sufficiently stated in all other fund tables without the aid of auxiliary exhibits. In the index accompanying this report, under the head of "Funds," subdivision "Transaction in Funds for fiscal year closing June 29, 1889," will be found the page of each. MINING COMPANIES. Table No. 53, pages 78 and 79, is a summary of reports of producing and non-producing mining companies, which were received during the year, and shows the amount of capital stock paid in, in cash and by conveyance of property; amount invested in real estate; amount of personal property; indebtedness, unsecured or floating, and secured or bonded; amount due the corporation; product-copper, iron ore, and other minerals; also pigiron manufactured-for each company. PLANK AND GRAVEL ROAD COMPANIES. The reports from Plank and Gravel Road Companies are summarized in Table No. 54, pages 80 and 81, and shows the year covered by report; miles completed; cost of road; amount borrowed; amount of all money expended; capital stock, paid in, expended; earnings, expended on road; receipts from tolls and other sources; dividends; reparation fund; indebtedness and net profits; for each company. SURPLUS SPECIFIC TAXES. The method of determining the amount of specific taxes in excess of the interest paid by the State, which is used for the support of primary schools, is shown in Tables 55, page 80, and 56, page 81. TRANSACTIONS BETWEEN THE STATE AND COUNTIES. Table No. 68, pages 98-101, 69, pages 102-105, and 70, pages 106-109, besides classifying the work detailed in the county accounts, serve as trial balances or test tables, by the use of which the several entries in the accounts with the counties are proved. Table No. 75 shows aggregates as follows: Increase in net debit balances under Old and New Tax Law Divisions of Accounts. Balances of Old and New Tax Law Divisions of Account combined (Table No. 70): Debit balances June 29. 1889 Debit balances June 30, 1890. $249,652 04 31,645 51 $218,006 53 $57,312 09 Credit balances June 30, 1890.. $301,226 81 25,908 19 275,318 62 57,312 09 Decrease in net debit balance during year as above.. The debits, except balances, Old Law Division. The credits, except balances, Old Law Divi- Excess of debits during year. The cash credited during the year, Old Law The cash debited during the year, Old Law Net cash receipts from counties during year. The interest debited during year, Old Law The interest credited during year, Old Law Loss to counties in interest account during year. The miscellaneous debits during year, Old $13,911 11 2,154,877 14 $2,168,788 25 $54,950 27 2,056,525 89 2,111,476 16 $50,960 66 $57,312 09 1,748,148 01 $1,799,108 67 Law Division (Table No. 69), amount to 1,927,284 60 $1,933,885 77 |