No. LIST OF ACTS PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF 1873. TITLE. PAGE. 1. An act to amend section fourteen of an act entitled "An act to provide for the organization of the Supreme Court, pursuant to section two of article six of the constitution," approved February sixteen, eighteen hundred and fifty-seven, being section four thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred and seventyone, approved January 16.. 2. An act to amend section three thousand three hundred and sixty-six, being section twelve of chapter one hundred and twenty-eight of the compiled laws of eighteen hundred and seventy-one, relative to the formation of companies for the introduction of water into towns, cities, and villages of the State of Michigan, approved January 22. 3. An act to provide for the payment of the officers and members of the Legislature, approved January 23, 4. An act to amend section eight of chapter two hun dred and forty-five, being seven thousand five hun- 5. An act to provide for the recording of judgments in 6. An act regarding the payment of irregular or illegal taxes, approved February 13. 7. An act making appropriations for the completion of the new hall of the University of Michigan, and to pay deficit in the revenue of the University for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-three, approved February 13... 8. An act making appropriations for the State Normal 10. An act to extend the provisions of an act entitled 11. An act regarding over-due specific taxes, approved February 14... 12. An act to amend section one hundred and ninety of 15. An act to amend section one of chapter one hundred PAGE. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 |