STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE SENATE. ON WAYS AND MEANS. C. A. Rice (Chairman), H. W. Rice, Wm. H. McInerny, Wm. C. Vannatta, Ernest A. K. Akina, James K. Jarrett, Charles N. Arnold. ON JUDICIARY. J. W. Russell (Chairman), A. F. Tavares, James K. Jarrett, Chas. F. Chillingworth, Henry C. Mossman. ON PUBLIC LANDS AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. A. F. Tavares (Chairman), J. W. Russell, Henry K. Aki, Charles N. Arnold, Henry C. Mossman. ON PUBLIC HEALTH. Charles N. Arnold (Chairman), S. L. Desha, Charles H. Rose. ON EDUCATION. Ernest A. K. Akina (Chairman), Wm. H. McInerny, Wm. C. Vannatta, Henry K. Aki, James K. Jarrett. ON ENROLLMENT, REVISION AND PRINTING. Wm. C. Vannatta (Chairman), C. A. Rice, Chas. F. Chillingworth. ON ACCOUNTS. Wm. H. McInerny (Chairman), H. W. Rice, S. L. Desha. ON RULES. James K. Jarrett (Chairman), H. W. Rice, S. L. Desha. ON AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND PROMOTION. H. W. Rice (Chairman), Ernest A. K. Akina, Charles N. Arnold, C. A. Rice, Charles H. Rose. ON MILITARY Henry K. Aki (Chairman), S. L. Desha, Henry C. Mossman. Speaker.. Vice-Speaker... Clerk...... District. First. Second.... Third...... HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. .Norman K. Lyman, Hilo, Hawaii .Francis H. Ii Brown, Honolulu, Oahu ..Joseph Ordenstein, Honolulu, Oahu Name. Kamau, William K. (R). Kahookele, Jr., David K. (R). Paschoal, Manuel Gomes (R). Pereira, Manuel R. (R) Address. Hilo, Hawaii, Hilo, Hawaii. Hilo, Hawaii. Hilo, Hawaii. Nahiku, Hana, Maui. Puunene, Maui. Wailuku, Maui. STANDING COMMITTEES OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ON FINANCE. Leslie W. Wishard (Chairman), M. G. Paschoal, T. H. Petrie, J. C. Anderson, W. K. Kamau, S. P. Correa, Clement Gomes. ON JUDICIARY. O. P. Soares (Chairman), Leslie W. Wishard, Roy A. Vitousek, W. K. Hussey, Charles H. Holt, Evan da Silva, D. K. Kahookele, Jr. ON EDUCATION. J. C. Anderson (Chairman), George H. Vicars, Rosalie Keliinoi, George H. Holt, Jr., W. W. Chamberlain, W. E. Vredenburg, M. R. Pereira. ON HEALTH, POLICE AND MILITARY. M. G. Paschoal (Chairman), H. L. Kawewehi, R. N. Mossman, A. Q. Marcallino, Eben P. Low, Jonah Kumalae, L. L. Joseph. ON PUBLIC LANDS AND INTERNAL IMPROVEMENTS. Frances H. Ii Brown (Chairman), George H. Vicars, W. K. Hussey, W. E. Vredenburg, Charles H. Holt, G. W. Maioho, W. W. Chamberlain. ON AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY, PROMOTION AND IMMIGRATION. A. Q. Marcallino (Chairman), Thomas Holstein, W. E. Vredenburg, George H. Holt, Jr., Roy A. Vitousek, W. K. Kamau, D. K. Kahookele, Jr. ON MUNICIPAL, COUNTY AND CIVIL SERVICE. S. P. Correa (Chairman), John R. Smith, Jr., Thomas Holstein, Jonah Kumalae, Clement Gomes, Eben P. Low, L. L. Joseph. ON ACCOUNTS AND PUBLIC EXPENDITURES. R. N. Mossman (Chairman), Francis H. Ii Brown, Evan da Silva, T. H. Petrie, G. W. Maioho. ON ENROLLMENT, REVISION, AND PRINTING. H. L. Kawewehi (Chairman), W. K. Hussey, G. W. Waioho, Evan da Silva, Eben P. Low. ON MISCELLANY. M. R. Pereira (Chairman), John R. Smith, Jr., Evan da Silva. ON RULES. Rosalie Keliinoi (Chairman), D. K. Kahookele, Jr., Roy A. Vitousek. ON JOURNAL. Norman K. Lyman (Chairman), H. L. Kawewehi, R. N. Mossman. ACTS. (H. B. No. 1)-An Act to appropriate money for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the regular session of the House of Representatives of the Legislature of the Territory of 2 (S. B. No. 1)-An Act to appropriate money for the purpose of defraying the expenses of the regular session of the Senate of the Legislature of the Territory of Hawaii of the year 1925 (H. B. No. 2)—An Act to enact the Revised Laws of Hawaii 1925 (S. B. No. 18)-An Act to provide for the expenses of entertain- ment of the officers and personnel of the United States Fleet and of the newspaper men accompanying said fleet to Hawaii as guests of the United States Navy, during the visit or visits of the fleet to Hawaii in 1925... 5 (H. B. No. 197)-An Act to amend Section 626 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii 1925, relating to dairy cattle; tuberculin 6 (S. B. No. 41)-An Act to extend the time within which the approval of the Congress of the United States must be secur- ed to Act 235 of the Session Laws of 1923, by amending 7 (S. B. No. 8)-An Act to amend Section 2003 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii 1925, relating to examiners of chauffeurs.. 8 (H. B. No. 114)—An Act authorizing and directing the board of supervisors of the City and County of Honolulu to make appropriation for and pay the claim of Joseph Duarte...... 9 (H. B. No. 234)—An Act amending Chapter 85 of the Revised Laws of Hawaii 1925, relating to dentistry, by adding a new section thereto to be known as Section 1075A.. 10 (H. B. No. 49)-An Act to amend Section 1 of Act 194 of the Ssesion Laws of 1923, relating to the extension, widening (S. B. No. 40)-An Act making an appropriation out of the gen- eral revenues for the purpose of making surveys, boring, soundings, sweeping and dredging Hana Harbor, Maui.... (S. B. No. 66)—An Act to appropriate money for the purpose of defraying the expenses of building, repairing and reconstruct- ing the embankment of the Waimea River, Island of Kauai.. 13 (S. B. No. 77)—An Act to amend Subdivision 3 of Section 144 of |