The legislature shall, within five years from the adoption of this constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools, whereby a school shall be kept without charge for tuition* at least three months in each year, in every school district... Documents Accompanying the Journal of the House - Page 18by Michigan. Legislature - 1855Full view - About this book
 | 1855 - 576 pages
...primary schools. 4. The legislature shall, within five years from the adoption of this constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools,...each year, in every school district in the state, and all instruction in said schools shall be conducted in the English language. 5. A school shall be... | |
 | Michigan. Legislature. Senate - 1855 - 502 pages
...246, 252, 253, 265, 407. To incorporate the village of Treuton, 243, 246, 262, 278, '», 288. ' **n To provide for and establish a system of primary schools,...for tuition, at least three months in each year in each school district in this State, 244, 246, 253, 264. 40. To authorize mining companies to subscribe... | |
 | Michigan. Legislature. House of Representatives - 1855 - 696 pages
...half of lot number two, section twenty-five, toTvn seven north, of range twelve west. 12th. A bill to provide for and establish a system of primary schools, whereby a school shall be kept free of charge for tuition, at least three months in each year, in every school district in the State,... | |
 | Michigan, Thomas McIntyre Cooley - 1857 - 828 pages
...SEC. 4. The Legislature shall, within five years from the F«e School.. adoption of this Constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools, each year, in every school district in the State ; and all instruction in said schools shall be conducted in the English language. ing to maintain such... | |
 | Michigan. Legislature - 1857 - 198 pages
...following provision : "The Legislature shall, within five years from the adoption of this Constitution, provide for and establish a system of Primary Schools,...each year, in every school district in the State; and all instruction in said schosls shall be conducted in the English language." The Constitution was... | |
 | Michigan - 1857 - 842 pages
...primary schools. SEC. 4. The Legislature shall, within five years from the adoption of this Constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools, each year, in every school district in the State ; and all instruction in said schools shall be conducted in the English language. ing to maintain such... | |
 | 1858 - 650 pages
...the Legislature shall, within five years from the time of its adoption, (which time has now expired,) provide for and establish a system of Primary Schools, whereby a school shall be kept, urithout charge for tuition, at least three months in each year, in every school district of the State.... | |
 | Andrew White Young - 1858 - 460 pages
...appropriated by the state for like purposes. The legislature is required to provide for keeping a school, •without charge for tuition, at least three months in each year in every district. Three members of a state board of education are elected for six years, one every two years.... | |
 | Michigan. Department of Public Instruction - 1858 - 652 pages
...Constitution, it seems to me, implies two things : 1. That provision be made for maintaining a school "without charge for tuition, at least three months in each year, in every school-district in the State.'' This provision should not depend upon the contingency of a popular... | |
 | John M. Gregory - 1859 - 438 pages
...Sec. 4. The Legislature shall, within five years from the Free schools adoption of this Constitution, provide for and establish a system of Primary Schools, each year, in every School District in the State ; and all instruction in said Schools shall be conducted in the English lauguage.(i) (i) The Legislature... | |
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