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" The legislature shall, within five years from the adoption of this constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools, whereby a school shall be kept without charge for tuition* at least three months in each year, in every school district... "
Documents Accompanying the Journal of the House - Page 18
by Michigan. Legislature - 1855
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The New York Supplement, Volume 26

1894 - 1202 pages
...damages ; and they put it upon the ground that the same constitution provided that the legislature should provide for and establish a system of primary schools, whereby a school should be kept without charge for tuition, etc., and that a school should be maintained in each school...
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Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction

Michigan. Department of Public Instruction - 1895 - 686 pages
...establishment of a system of primary schools, restricting the legislature only by providing that a echool shall be kept, without charge for tuition, at least three months in each year, and that all instruction in said schools shall be conducted in the English language." This was no new...
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A Government Class-book of the State of Michigan

Charles Wesley Nichols - 1897 - 358 pages
...primary schools. . 4. The legislature shall, within five years from the adoption of this constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools, each year in every school district in the State, and all instruction in said school shall be conducted in the English language. 5. A school shall be...
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The Pacific Reporter, Volume 52

1898 - 1164 pages
...13. provides that "the legislature shall, within live years from the adoption of this constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools,...each year, In every school district in the state." A former constitution, adopted in 1835, contained provisions not essentially different except "the...
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How We are Governed in State and Nation

Charles Sedgwick May - 1899 - 202 pages
...primary schools. SEC. 4. The Legislature shall, within five years from the adoption of this Constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools,...charge for tuition, at least three months in each year,in every school district in the State; and all instruction in said schools shall be conducted...
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The General School Laws of Michigan: With Appendix

Michigan - 1899 - 156 pages
...the establishment of a system of primary schools, restricting the legislature only by providing that a school shall be kept, without charge for tuition, at least three months in each year, and that all instruction shall be conducted in the English language. All other matters seem to be within...
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How We are Governed in State and Nation

Charles Sedgwick May - 1899 - 202 pages
...the district, may vote at these meetings and are eligible to office. The Constitution provides that a school shall be kept, without charge for tuition, at least three months each year in every school district in the State, and taught in the English language. The officers elected...
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The School Law of Michigan

1900 - 150 pages
...of primary schools. The legislature shall, within five years from the adoption of this constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools, whereby a school shall be kept SCHOOL* without charge for tuition, at least three* months SYSTEM. j n eac h year, in every school...
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Annual Report of the Attorney General of the State of Michigan

Michigan. Attorney General's Office, Michigan. Department of Attorney General - 1901 - 294 pages
...which provide: § 4. "The legislature shall, within five years from the adoption of 1his constitution, provide for and establish a system of primary schools,...each year, in every school district in the state," etc. § 5. "A school shall be maintained in each school district at least three months in each year,"...
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General School Laws: With an Appendix of Blank Forms

Michigan - 1902 - 232 pages
...On the subject of primary schools, see chapter 116, CL 1897. 12 GENERAL, SCHOOL LAWS. 13 viding that a school shall be kept, without charge for tuition, at least three months In each year, and that all instruction shall be conducted in the English language. All other matters seem to be within...
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