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" That thence the Royal actor borne The tragic scaffold might adorn : While round the armed bands Did clap their bloody hands. He nothing common did or mean Upon that memorable scene, But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try; Nor call'd the Gods,... "
Littell's Living Age - Page 286
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Works of Lord Byron: With His Letters and Journals, and His Life, Volume 12

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron, Thomas Moore - 1833 - 350 pages
...round the armed hands Did clap their hloody hands, He nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorahle scene ; But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try; Nor call'd the Gods with vulgar spight To vindicate his helpless right, But how'd his comely head Down, as upon a hed." — E.] Defy...
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Biographia Borealis: Or, Lives of Distinguished Northerns

Hartley Coleridge - 1833 - 764 pages
...borne, The tragic scaffold might adorne, While round the armed bands, Did clap their bloody hands : He nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorable scene; But with his keener ege, The axe's edge did trge. Nor calfd the Gods with vulgar spight, To vindicate his helplessc right...
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The Modern Dunciad: Virgil in London and Other Poems

George Daniel - 1835 - 376 pages
...patriot, Andrew Marvel, described the royal martyr to Puritanism : " He nothing common did or mean After that memorable scene ; But with his keener eye The...right ; But bow'd his comely head, Down as upon a bed !" The infidel is not a greater foe to religion than the fanatic. The shameless audacity of the one,...
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The Modern Dunciad; Virgil: And Other Poems

George Daniel - 1835 - 366 pages
...patriot, Andrew Marvel, described the royal martyr to Puritanism : " He nothing common did or mean After that memorable scene ; But with his keener eye The...right ; But bow'd his comely head, Down as upon a bed !" The infidel is not a greater foe to religion than the fanatic. The shameless audacity of the one,...
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The Works of Lord Byron: With His Letters and Journals,

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron, George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1835 - 348 pages
...round the armed hands Did clap their hloody hands, He nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorahle scene ; But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try; Nor call'd the Gods with vulgar spight To vindicate his helpless right, But how'd his comely head Down, as upon a hed."— E.] VOL....
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The Works of George Byron: With His Letters and Journals, and His ..., Volume 12

George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1836 - 350 pages
...Marvell's magnificent lines on Charles I. : — '* While round the armed bands Did clap their bloody hands, He nothing common did, or mean. Upon that memorable...But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try; Nor calPd the Gods with vulgar spight To vindicate his helpless right, But bow'd his comely head Dp\vn,...
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The Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire;: Being Lives of the Most ...

Hartley Coleridge - 1836 - 774 pages
...borne, The tragic scaflbld might adorne, While round the armed hands, Did clap their bloody hands : He nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorable...scene ; But with his keener eye, The axe's edge did trye. Nor caird the Gods with vulgar spighJ, To vindicate his he/plesse right : But bote'd his comely...
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Lives of eminent and illustrious Englishmen, ed. by G. G. Cunningham, Volume 4

Englishmen - 1836 - 246 pages
...adorne, WICile round the armed bands, Did clap their bloody hands : He nothing common did, or meaa, Upon that memorable scene ; But with his keener eye, The axe's edge did tryc. Nor caWd the Gods with vulgar spiyht, To vindicate his helplesse right ; But bow'd his comely...
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The New Monthly Belle Assemblée, Volume 11

402 pages
...execution of the Monarch, he says : — " While round the armed bands' Did clasp their bloody bands, He nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorable...vindicate his helpless right. But bow'd his comely head Pown :•-- upon a lied. M. D, K. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. COVENT GARDEN. The season at this house, commencing...
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Scripture tracts (for the fasts and festivals).

1839 - 300 pages
...— " While round the armed bands Did clasp their bloody hands, He nothing common did or mean, After that memorable scene ; But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try, Nor called the gods with vulgar spite, To vindicate his helpless right, But bow'd his comely head Down,...
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