That thence the Royal actor borne The tragic scaffold might adorn : While round the armed bands Did clap their bloody hands. He nothing common did or mean Upon that memorable scene, But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try; Nor call'd the Gods,... Littell's Living Age - Page 2861868Full view - About this book
 | John Holmes Agnew, Walter Hilliard Bidwell - 1853 - 606 pages
...upon the death of the First Charles as necessary, accorded to the fallen monarch his pity and respect. He nothing common did or mean, Upon that memorable scene ; But with hie keener eye, The axe's edge did try : Nor called the gods, with vulgar spite, To vindicate hie helpless... | |
 | Henry Reed - 1857 - 424 pages
...was brought " The tragic scaffold to adprn, While round the armed bands Did clap their hloody hands. He nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorable...vindicate his helpless right, But bow'd his comely head Downe as upon a bed ! " There are two scarcely-known poets of this period, who, being equally zealous... | |
 | Quintus Horatius Flaccus - 1857 - 236 pages
...Cromwell's return from Ireland ends ith an evident and a fine imitation of this ode : " He (Charles I.) nothing common did or mean, Upon that memorable scene,...vulgar spite To vindicate his helpless right ; But bowM his comely head Down, as upon a bed." CARMEN XXXVIII. AD PUERUM. PERSICOS odi, puer, apparatus... | |
 | Andrew Marvell - 1857 - 408 pages home, The tragic scaffold might adorn, While round the armed bands, Did clap their bloody hands : He nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorable...But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try ; Nor called the gods with vulgar spite To vindicate his helpless right, But bowed his comely head Down,... | |
 | C J. M - 1857 - 414 pages
...the martyrs were covered. CHAPTER XXVI. " While round the armed bands Did clap their bloody hands, He nothing common did or mean Upon that memorable...But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try ; Nor eall'd the gods with vulgar spight To vindicate his helpless right, But bow'd his comely head Down,... | |
 | Andrew Marvell - 1857 - 408 pages
...borne, The tragic scaffold might adorn, While round the armed bands, Did clap their bloody hands : lie nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorable scene,...But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try ; Nor called the gods with vulgar spite To vindicate his helpless right, But bowed his comely head Down,... | |
 | Andrew Marvell - 1857 - 420 pages
...adorn, . While round the armed bands, Did clap their bloody hands : He nothing common did, or mcaiif Upon that memorable scene, But with his keener eye The axe's edge did try ; Nor called the gods with vulgar spite To vindicate his helpless right, But bowed his comely head •Down,... | |
 | Eneas Sweetland Dallas - 1864 - 750 pages
...the scaffold let Andrew Marvell speak : — While round the armed bands Did clap their bloody hands, He nothing common did or mean, Upon that memorable...axe's edge did try ; Nor call'd the gods with vulgar spight To vindicate his helpless right ! But bow'd bis comely head Down as upon a btd. Clarendon's... | |
 | George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1859 - 914 pages
...i magnificent linei on Charles I. : — " While round the armed hands Did clap their bloody hands, . " In the axe'« edge did try ; Vor rall'd the Gods with vulgar spight To vindicate his helpings ri«ht, But... | |
 | Henry Reed - 1860 - 336 pages
...was brought " The tragic scaffold to adorn, While round tho armSd bands Did clap their bloody hands. He nothing common did, or mean, Upon that memorable...vulgar spite, To vindicate his helpless right, But bowed his comely head Downe as upon a bed !" There are two scarcely-known poets of this period, who,... | |
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