twere a little sky Gulphed in a world below ; A firmament of purple light, Which in the dark earth lay, More boundless than the depth of night, And purer than the day — In which the lovely forests grew As in the upper air, More perfect both in shape... Poetic Form and British Romanticism - Page 125by Stuart Curran - 1990 - 288 pagesLimited preview - About this book
 | 1910 - 542 pages
...paused beside the pools that lie Under the forest bough; Each seem'd as 'twere a little sky Gulf'd in a world below; A firmament of purple light Which...hue Than any spreading there. There lay the glade and neighbouring lawn, And through the dark-green wood The white sun twinkling like the dawn Out of... | |
 | George Hyde Wollaston - 1909 - 338 pages
...Which in the dark earth lay, More boundless than the depth of night, And purer than the day — 60 In which the lovely forests grew As in the upper air,...hue Than any spreading there. There lay the glade and neighbouring lawn, And through the dark green wood The white sun twinkling like the dawn Out of... | |
 | Charles Townsend Copeland, Henry Milner Rideout - 1909 - 334 pages
...paused beside the pools that lie 480 Under the forest bough ; Each seem'd as 'twere a little sky Gulf 'd in a world below ; A firmament of purple light Which in the dark earth lay, 485 More boundless than the depth of night And purer than the day — In which the lovely forests grew... | |
 | Percy Bysshe Shelley - 1909 - 948 pages
...the forest bough, And each seemed like a sky Gulfed in a world below ; A purple firmament of light 85 Which in the dark earth lay, More boundless than the depth of night, And clearer than the day — In which the massy forests grew As in the upper air, 90 More perfect both... | |
 | 1910 - 540 pages
...paused beside the pools that lie Under the forest bough ; Each seem'd as 'twere a little sky Gulf'd in a world below; A firmament of purple light Which...hue Than any spreading there. There lay the glade and neighbouring lawn, And through the dark-green wood The white sun twinkling like the dawn Out of... | |
 | 1910 - 524 pages
...pools that lie Under the forest bough; Each seem'd as 'twere a little sky Gulf'd in a world below; i A firmament of purple light Which in the dark earth...hue Than any spreading there. There lay the glade and neighbouring lawn, And through the dark-green wood The white sun twinkling like the dawn Out of... | |
 | James Weber Linn - 1911 - 292 pages
...below; A firmanent of purple light More boundless than the depth of night And purer than the day — 60 In which the lovely forests grew As in the upper air, More perfect both in shade and hue Than any spreading there. There lay the glade and neighboring lawn, 65 And through the... | |
 | James Weber Linn - 1911 - 286 pages
...bough; Each seem'd as 't were a little sky 55 Gulf'd in a world below; A firmanent of purple light More boundless than the depth of night And purer than the day — 60 In which the lovely forests grew As in the upper air, More perfect both in shade and hue Than... | |
 | Frank Honywell Fenno - 1912 - 206 pages
...paused beside the pools that lie under the forest bough; Each seem'd as 't were a little sky, gulf'd in a world below ; A firmament of purple light, which...depth of night, and purer than the day— In which the lovelyforests grew asin the upper air, More perfect both in shape and hue than any spreading there.... | |
 | Francis Turner Palgrave - 1912 - 502 pages
...that lie Under the forest bough ; Each seem'd as 't were a little sky Gulf 'd in a world below ; 10 A firmament of purple light Which in the dark earth...than the day — In which the lovely forests grew 15 As in the upper air, More perfect both in shape and hue Than any spreading there. There lay the... | |
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