| 1787 - 750 pages
...contributed to the impiovement of the Enphfh language. He fays in his lall Rambler. " I have laboured to refine our language to grammatical purity, and to clear it from colloquial barbarifms, licentious idioms, ar.d irregular combinations. Something perhaps, 1 have added to *he... | |
| Royal Irish Academy - 1787 - 432 pages
...prejudiced in its favour. [E] After [ 34 ] After declaring, with fome oftentation, that " he has laboured " to refine our language to grammatical purity, and to clear it " from colloquial barbarifms, licentious idioms, and irregular " combinations;" that " fomething perhaps he has added... | |
| Richard Cumberland - 1790 - 330 pages
...(QUINTIL. LIB. x.) TtiE celebrated author of the Rambler in his concluding paper fays, 7 have laboured to refine our language to grammatical purity, and to clear- it from colloquial barbarians, licentious idioms and irregular combinations : fomething perbcrps I have added to the elegance... | |
| Richard Cumberland - 1791 - 308 pages
...(QJJINTIL. LIB. x.) THE celebrated author of the Rambler in his concluding paper fays, / have laboured to refine our language to grammatical purity, and to clear it from F 2 colloquial 171273 collcquLil larbarifm.r, licentious idioms and irregular combinations : Jbmething... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 444 pages
...the final fentence of mankind, I have at leaft endeavoured to deferve their kindnefs. I have laboured to refine our language to grammatical purity, and to clear it from colloquial barbarifms, licentious idioms, and irregular combinations. Something, perhaps, 1 have added to the... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1792 - 582 pages
...the final fentenee of mankind, I have at leaft endeavoured to deferve their kindnels. I have laboured to refine our language to grammatical purity, and to clear it from coK loqnial barbarifms, licentious idioms, and irregular combinations. Something, perhaps, I have addid... | |
| Joseph Towers - 1796 - 464 pages
...contributed to the improvement of the Englifh language. He fays in his laft Rambler, " I have laboured to refine our " language to grammatical purity, and ". to clear it from colloquial barbarifms, " licentious idioms, and irregular combi". nations. Something, perhaps, I have " added... | |
| British essayists - 1802 - 266 pages
...the final sentence of mankind, I have at least endeavoured to deserve their kindness. I have laboured to refine our language to grammatical purity, and...construction, and something to the harmony of its cadence. When common words were less pleasing to the ear, or less distinct in their signification, I have familiarised... | |
| 1803 - 268 pages
...the final sentence of mankind, I have at least endeavoured to deserve their kindness. I have laboured to refine our language to grammatical purity, and...construction, and something to the harmony of its cadence. When common- words were less pleasing to the ear, or less distinct in their signification, I have familiarized... | |
| Samuel Johnson - 1806 - 354 pages
...the final sentence of mankind, I have at least endeavoured to deserve their kindness. I have laboured to refine our language to grammatical purity, and...construction, and something to the harmony of its cadence. When common words were less pleasing to the ear, or less distinct in their signification, I have familiarised... | |
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