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" A person placing his signature upon an instrument otherwise than as maker, drawer or acceptor is deemed to be an indorser, unless he clearly indicates by appropriate words his intention to be bound in some other capacity. "
Annual Report of the Commissioner of the Banking Department of the State of ... - Page lxxvii
by Michigan. Banking Division - 1914
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Pennsylvania Bar Association. Meeting. Report of the ... Annual ..., Volume 5

Pennsylvania Bar Association - 1899 - 410 pages
...draw the instrument; and 2. The existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse. SEC. 63. A person placing his signature upon an instrument otherwise...than as maker, drawer or acceptor is deemed to be an indorser, unless he clearly indicates by appropriate words his intention to be bound in some other...
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Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, Volume 135

Louisiana. Supreme Court - 1915 - 650 pages
...63 of Act 64, p. 157, of 1904 (the Negotiable Instruments Act), provides that: "A person placing big signature upon an instrument otherwise than as maker, drawer or acceptor is deemed to be an indorser, unless he clearly indicates by appropriate words his intention to be bound in some other...
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Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, Volume 132

Louisiana. Supreme Court - 1913 - 654 pages
...signature upon an instrument otherwise than as uuiker, drawer, or acceptor, is deemed to be an iiulnrser, unless he clearly indicates by appropriate words his intention to be bound in some other capacity." [3] In the case at bar we think that this intention is clearly indicated on the face of the Instrument....
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Cases Argued and Determined in the Supreme Court of Louisiana, Volume 141

Louisiana. Supreme Court - 1917 - 648 pages
...instrument." Section 63 of the Negotiable Instrument Law declares that a person who places his signature on an instrument otherwise than as maker, drawer, or acceptor is deemed to be an indorser, unless he clearly indicates by appropriate words his intention to be bound in some other...
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Laws of the State of Indiana

Indiana - 1913 - 1208 pages
...draw the instrument; and 2. The existence of the payee and his then capacity to indorse. SEC. 63. A person placing his signature upon an instrument otherwise...than as maker, drawer or acceptor, is deemed to be an indorser, unless he clearly indicates by appropriate words his intention to be bound in some othercapacity....
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The South Western Reporter, Volume 267

1925 - 1212 pages favor of Gray, and plaintiff has appealed. Section 3720b63, Kentucky Statutes, is as follows: "A person placing his signature upon an instrument otherwise...his intention to be bound in some other capacity." [1] The purpose of the statute is to eiclude parol evidence, and make the written instrument control...
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The Pacific Reporter, Volume 193

1921 - 1258 pages
...The decision in that case was based on section 6590 of the General Statutes of 1915, which reads: "A person placing his signature upon an instrument otherwise...indicates by appropriate words his intention to be hound in some other capacity." It was there stated that: "In the present case we have merely the note...
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Atlantic Reporter, Volume 66

1907 - 1166 pages
...respect to siibseqneut holders oí negotiable paper. By section 63 of that act (PL 1902, p. 594) "a person placing his signature upon an instrument otherwise...than as maker, drawer or acceptor, Is deemed to be an indorser unless he clearly Indicates by appropriate words his Intention to be bound In some other capacity."...
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The Northwestern Reporter, Volume 188

1922 - 1126 pages
...of opinion that the negotiable instrument act changed this rule. Section 65 of the act provides: 'A person placing his signature upon an instrument, otherwise...than as maker, drawer or acceptor is deemed to be an indorser, unless he clearly indicates by appropriate words his intention to be bound in some other...
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The South Western Reporter, Volume 210

1919 - 1130 pages
...signature upon an instrument otherwise than as maker, drawer or acceptor is deemed to be an indorser, unless he clearly indicates by appropriate words his intention to be bound in some other capacity.' "And said rule is also changed by section 64 of said act (now section 10034, R; S. Mo. 19O9), which...
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