| Michigan - 1881 - 760 pages
...Said institution, under the name of the "Michigan institution for educating the deaf and dumb," shall succeed to all the rights and be subject to all the liabilities of the said institution under the said acts of eighteen hundred and forty-eight or eighteen hundred and... | |
| Michigan - 1881 - 1034 pages
...under the name of the "Michigan insti- TO succeed to tution for educating the deaf and dumb," shall succeed to all the rights and be subject to all the liabilities of the said institution under the said acts of eighteen hundred and forty-eight or eighteen hundred and... | |
| 1901 - 958 pages
...his shares, succeed to all the rights and liabilities of the prior holder of such shares; and that no change shall be made in the articles of association by which the rights, remedies, or security of the existing creditors of the association shall be impaired. By section 5151 it is provided... | |
| United States. Supreme Court - 1883 - 890 pages
...proportion to his shares, succeed to all the rights and liabilities of the prior holder of such shares, and no change shall be made in the articles of association by which the rights, remedies, or security of the existing creditors of the association shall be impaired. The shareholders of each association... | |
| 1883 - 1674 pages
...proportion to his shares, succeed to all the rights and liabilities of the prior holder of the shares, and no change shall be made In the articles of association by which the rights, remedies, or security of the existing creditors of the association shall be impaired. The shareholders of each association... | |
| 1884 - 1126 pages
...proportion to his shares, succeed to all the rights and liabilities of the prior holder of such shares, and no change shall be made in the articles of association by which the rights, remedies or security of the existing creditors of the association shall be impaired. The shareholders of each association... | |
| United States. Supreme Court - 1886 - 1086 pages
...proportion to his shares, succeed to all the rights and liabilities of the prior holder of the shares, and no change shall be made in the articles of association by which the rights, remedies or security of the existing creditors of the association shall be impaired. The shareholders of each association... | |
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