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" The rule to be collected from the several cases decided on this subject seems to be this, that the tenant's right to remove fixtures continues during his original term, and during such further period of possession by him, as he holds the premises under... "
A Treatise on the Law of Real Property - Page 531
by Anson Bingham - 1868 - 698 pages
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The Agricultural Holdings Act, 1883, and Other Statutes

John Mounteney Lely - 1885 - 444 pages
...fixtures has been considered, is stated by Alderson, B., in Weeton v. Woodcock, 7 M. & W. 14, to be, that the tenant's right to remove fixtures continues...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant; but the entry by the landlord defeats this right (Leader v. Homewood, 5 CBNS 546), and if...
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The American Law Register, Volume 25; Volume 34

1886 - 966 pages
...themselves as tenants." In Merritt v. Judd, 14 Cal. 59, the rule is stated in the following language : •'The tenant's right to remove fixtures continues...premises under a right still to consider himself a tenant ; and, we have seen, beyond this the great weight of authority does not go :" Citing Wtlton v. Woodcock,...
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Atlantic Reporter, Volume 26

1893 - 1164 pages
...boiler, and uses this language: "The rule to be collected from the several cases derided on this subject seems to be this: that the tenant's right to remove fixtures continues during hie original term, and during such further period of possession by him as he holds the premises under...
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Reports of Cases Determined in the Supreme Court of the State of ..., Volume 14

California. Supreme Court - 1887 - 820 pages which Alderson, B. said: "The rule to be collected from the several cases decided on this subject seems to be this, that the tenant's right to remove...under a right still to consider himself a tenant;" and we have seen that beyond this, the great weight of authority does not go. It has been seen that...
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Select Cases and Other Authorities on the Law of Property, Volume 1

John Chipman Gray - 1888 - 936 pages
...ihcy had the right so to do. The rule to be collected from the several cases decided on this subject seems to be this, that the tenant's right to remove fixtures continues daring bis original term, and during such further period of possession by him, as he holds the premises...
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Prideaux's Precedents in Conveyancing: With Dissertations on Its ..., Volume 2

Frederick Prideaux - 1889 - 976 pages
...he might have removed during the term (2). And in Wcctonv. Woodeock (a), the rule was thus stated, that the tenant's right to remove fixtures continues...premises under a right still to consider himself a tenant (b). (NS)546; 27 LJCP 31l3. (6) See also Greene v. Cole, 2 (x\ Leader r. Home•wood, 5 CB 153. 62(3....
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The American and English Encyclopedia of Law, Volume 8

John Houston Merrill, Thomas Johnson Michie, Charles Frederic Williams, David Shephard Garland - 1889 - 1462 pages
...that the tenant's right to remove fixtures 8 C. of L-— 4 49 continues during his original term and such further period of possession by him as he holds...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant." Weeton v. Woodcock, 7 M. & W. 14. See also Loan and Discount Co. ?•. Drake, 6 CB 796....
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The American State Reports: Containing the Cases of General Value ..., Volume 6

Abraham Clark Freeman - 1889 - 996 pages
...contradistinguished from a mere chattel. Id. «. TENANT'S RIGHT TO REMOVE FIXTURES CONTINUES during hia original term, and during such further period of possession by him as he holdi the premises under a right to still consider himself as a tenant. Bat where a tenant quits possession,...
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Woodfall's Law of Landlord and Tenant, Volume 2

William Woodfall - 1890 - 556 pages
...fixtures is a power coupled with an interest («), which may be assigned by deed (^), and continues only during his original term («), and " during such further...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant" (x). The meaning of this modification of the rule that tenant's fixtures vest in the landlord...
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The Law of Landlord and Tenant: Including the Practice in Ejectment

Joseph Haworth Redman, George Edward Lyon - 1893 - 746 pages
...of must exercise that right either during his original term (Li/de v. Russell, 1 B. & Ad. 394), or during such further period of possession by him as...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant. ( Weeton v. Woodeock, 7 M. & W. 14 ; Ex parte Stephens, Re Larics, 7 Ch. D. 127; 47 LJ,...
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