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" The rule to be collected from the several cases decided on this subject seems to be this, that the tenant's right to remove fixtures continues during his original term, and during such further period of possession by him, as he holds the premises under... "
A Treatise on the Law of Real Property - Page 531
by Anson Bingham - 1868 - 698 pages
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Digest of the Reports of the Supreme Court of California: Volumes ..., Volume 2

James Henry Deering - 1895 - 1114 pages
...36. Removal can only be during tenancy, and during such further period of possession by the tenant as he holds the premises under a right still to consider himself a tenant, and not during the time he may actually hold possession after his lease has expired. (Merritt v. Judd,...
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The Ontario Reports: Containing Reports of Cases Decided in the ..., Volume 26

1895 - 862 pages
..."It is fully established that the right of the lessee to remove fixtures continues only during the term, and during such further period of possession by him as he holds under a right still to consider himself as tenant." In Parsons v. Hind, 14 WR 860, Blackburn, 'J.,...
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The Albany Law Journal: A Monthly Record of the Law and the ..., Volumes 47-48

1898 - 1100 pages
...and uses this language : " The rule to be collected from the several cases decided on this subject seems to be this : that the tenant's right to remove...possession by him as he holds the premises under a right to still consider himself as tenant. In the present case this boiler was removed after the entry for...
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John Mews - 1898 - 858 pages
...Fitzherbert v. Shaw, 1 H. Bl. 258. The right of a tenant to remove tenant's fixtures continues only during his original term, and during such further...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant. Weeton v. Woodcock, 7 M. & W. 14 ; 10 LJ, Ex. 183. An outgoing tenant has no right to enter,...
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The Digest of English Case Law Containing the Reported Decisions ..., Volume 7

John Mews - 1898 - 856 pages
...Fitihcrbert v. Shaw, l H. B1. 258. The right of a tenant to remove tenant's fixtures continues only during his original term, and during such further...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant. Weetim v. Wvoilcock, 7 M. & W. 14 ; 10 LJ, Ex. 183. An outgoing tenant has no right to enter,...
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A Concise Treatise on the Law of Landlord and Tenant

William Mitchell Fawcett, John Mason Lightwood - 1900 - 736 pages The tenant must remove his fixtures during the conmoval. tinuance of his original term (c), or during such further period of possession by him as...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant (d). Other forms in which the rule has been expressed are : " during his term, or during...
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Law of Real Property: Including, Also, General Rules of Law ..., Volume 1

Charles Theodore Boone - 1901 - 650 pages
...111 1ll. 273, 53 Am. Rep. U22. § 9f. Same — Removal of Fixtures by Tenant. The right of a tenant to remove fixtures continues during his original term,...possession by him as he holds the premises under a right to still consider himself as a tenant;1 but when he quits possession, or surrenders the premises unqualifiedly...
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A Treatise on the American Law of Real Property, Volume 1

Emory Washburn, John Wurts - 1902 - 758 pages
...before the term ended ; but the modern rule is that given in Weeton v. Woodcock, 7 M. & W. 14, 19, "that the tenant's right to remove fixtures continues...the premises under a right still to consider himself tenant." Heap r. Barton, 12 CB 274 ; Roffey v. Henderson, 17 QB 574 ; Mackintosh ». Trotter, 8 M....
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The Revised Reports: Being a Republication of Such Cases in the ..., Volume 56

Frederick Pollock, Robert Campbell, Oliver Augustus Saunders, Arthur Beresford Cane, Joseph Gerald Pease, William Bowstead - 1902 - 910 pages
...14—19; SC 10 LJ Ex. 183.) ,, ,' , The right of a tenant to remove tenant's fixtures continues only during his original term, and during such further period of possession by him as ho holds the promises under a right still to consider himself as tenant. Where, therefore, the term,...
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A Treatise on the Law and Practice of Injunctions

William Williamson Kerr - 1903 - 716 pages
...expiration of the tenancy (o) ; or at all events before the expiration of such further period of possession as he holds the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant (p). A tenant whose interest is of an uncertain duration has, it would appear, a right to...
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