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" The rule to be collected from the several cases decided on this subject seems to be this, that the tenant's right to remove fixtures continues during his original term, and during such further period of possession by him, as he holds the premises under... "
A Treatise on the Law of Real Property - Page 531
by Anson Bingham - 1868 - 698 pages
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The Central Law Journal, Volume 7

1878 - 546 pages remove fixtures continues during the original term, and during such further period of possession as he holds the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant." Mr. Justice Willes, commenting on these two last cases in Leader v. Hornewood, 6 CBNS 446,...
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The Law of Land: Wherein are to be Found the Prerogative Rights of the Crown ...

Sir Henry Studdy Theobald - 1929 - 482 pages
...and not used for trade purposes. Buckland v. Butterfield, sup. ; Jenkins v. Gething, 2 J. & H. 520. " The tenant's right to remove fixtures continues during...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant." Weeton v. Woodcock, 7 M. & W. 14, 19 ; Mackintosh v. Trotter, 3 M. & W. 184. It ceases,...
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The Ontario Law Reports: Cases Determined in the Court of Appeal ..., Volume 14

1907 - 830 pages
...are removable only during the term or some further period of possession by the tenant, during which he holds the premises under a right still to consider himself a tenant, or during what has been called an excrescence upon or an enlargement of the term. Either in 1899 or...
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Atlantic Reporter, Volume 13

1888 - 1072 pages
...Weeton v. Woodcock, who says the rule to be collected from the several cases decided on this subject seems to be this: That the tenant's rig'ht to remove...possession by him as he holds the premises under a right to still consider himself as tenant." In this country the decisions are numerous, and almost, if not...
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Atlantic Reporter, Volume 26

1893 - 1274 pages
...botler, and uses this la uguate: "The rule to be collected from the several cases decided on this subject seems to be this: that the tenant's right to remove...such further period of possession by him as he holds t he premises un do ra right to still consider himself as tenant. In the presen t c«s3 this boiler...
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Reports of Cases Heard and Determined in the Appellate Division ..., Volume 18

New York (State). Supreme Court. Appellate Division - 1897 - 742 pages
..." It is fully established that the right of the lessee to remove fixtures continues only during the term and during such further period of possession by him as he holds under a right still to consider himself as tenant, and it is plain that the right of his assignee can...
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The Law Times Reports: Containing All the Cases Argued and ..., Volume 73

1896 - 842 pages
...been obtained when the fixtures were removed, and à fortiori the tenant had the right to remove them. The tenant's right to remove fixtures continues during...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant : Weeton v. Woodcock, 7 M. & W. 14 ; Leader v. Homewood , 5 CBNS 546. With regard to the...
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The Victorian Law Reports, Volume 19

Victoria. Supreme Court - 1894 - 802 pages
...fixtures put up during his term as well as those previously put up at any time during his term, or such further period of possession by him as he holds...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant: Woodfall's Landlord and Tenant ^13th ed.), 648; Weeton v. Woodcock (/). That case shows...
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Reports of Cases Argued and Determined in the Court of the Queen's ..., Volume 3

1886 - 756 pages
...evidence to the contrary, as a trade fixture. 3. The right of a tenant to remove fixtures continues only during his original term, and during such further...the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant. 4. The right to restrain waste, involved in the removal by a tenant of a building forming...
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Bankers' Magazine, Journal of the Money Market and Commercial Digest, Volume 39

1880 - 1108 pages
...laid down by the Court of Exchequer in Weston v. Woodcock (7 M. and W. 14) in theae terms — viz., " that the tenant's right to remove fixtures continues...during such further period of possession by him as ho holds the premises under a right still to consider himself as tenant," or, in the language of Baron...
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