| New York (State). Legislature. Assembly - 1873 - 818 pages
...to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime, unless on indictment, "except in cases of the militia when in actual service, and the land and naval...keep, with the consent of Congress, in time of peace. (Article 1, section 6, Constitution of 1846.) These provisions recognize the existence of Courts-Martial.... | |
 | California - 1874 - 712 pages
...removal of civil officers of the State. 2. Offenses arising in the milit'a when in actual service, and in the land and naval forces in time of war, or which...keep, with the consent of Congress, in time of peace. 3. Offenses tried in Justices' and Police Courts. NOTE. — See note to preceding section, and Art.... | |
 | New York (State). Secretary's Office - 1874 - 548 pages
...inflicted, nor shall witnesses be unreasonably detained. SEC. 6. No person shall bo held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime (except in cases of impeachment, and iu cases of militia when in actual service ; and the land and naval forces in time of war, or which... | |
 | California, Theodore Henry Hittell - 1876 - 986 pages
...removal of civil officers of the state; 2. Offenses arising in the militia when in actual service, and in the land and naval forces in time of war, or which...keep, with the consent of congress, in time of peace; 3. Offenses tried in justices' and police courts. 13.683. Criminal action defined. SEC. G83. The proceeding... | |
 | California - 1876 - 1178 pages
...infamous crime (except in «L*es of imjN'achment, and in cases of militia when in actual service, ami the land and naval forces in time of war, or which this State ma}- keep with the consent of Congress in time of peace, and in cases of petit larceny, under the regulation... | |
 | Benjamin Perley Poore - 1877 - 1054 pages
...capital offences, when the proof is evident, the presumption great. SEC. 9. No person shall be tried red as a qualification to any office or public trust under this State. SEC. 5. That electi the militia when in active service in time of war, or which the State may keep, with the consent of... | |
 | California - 1878 - 1210 pages
...public safety may require its suspension. SKC. 8. No person shall lie held to answer for a capita! or otherwise infamous crime (except in cases of impeachment, and in cases of militia when iu actual service, and the land ami naval forces in time of war, or whicli this State may keep with... | |
 | California - 1879 - 308 pages
...presumption great." Personal rights and rights of property. SEC. 8. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime (except...consent of Congress, in time of peace, and in cases of petty larceny, under the regulation of the Legislature), unless on presentment or indictment of a grand... | |
 | California - 1879 - 218 pages
...time of war, except in the manner to be prescribed by law. § 8. No person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime (except...naval forces in time of war, or which this State may kcep, with the consent of Congress, in time of peace, and in cases of petit larceny, under the regulation... | |
 | California, California. Constitutional Convention - 1880 - 648 pages
...to answer for a crimeor other public offense punishable by death or imprisonment in the State Prison (except in cases of impeachment and in cases of militia, when in actual service, and in the land or naval forces, in time of war, or which this State may keep, with the consent of Congress,... | |
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