Ginger's Reviews > Voices Behind the Veil: The World of Islam Through the Eyes of Women

Voices Behind the Veil by Ergun Mehmet Caner
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bookshelves: cultural-studies

This book was good. Informative, but a little anecdotal. I suppose I wanted to learn a little bit more about the cultural as a whole, but this book contained mostly specific stories. The reader is left to determine how universal each individual's experience is or is not.
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January 2, 2013 – Shelved
January 2, 2013 – Shelved as: cultural-studies

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message 1: by Jasmeen (new)

Jasmeen Sister, I come to you in peace. Based on the short synopsis of the book, I would highly suggest that you do not take this as a generalized perception of all the women in Islam. I am a Muslim and I wear the veil on my own accord. Even if this has been prescribed for us, I have chosen to do it because it has its value. It puts us on a high level of moral chastity so as we are not objectified by men who look at women with mere attraction. WE ARE HONORED and ALLAH has put us on that situation so as we may guide this honor as an intricate part of our being. Even the Virgin Mary wore veil in the images we see... I believe that she is a Muslim, primarily because there is one chapter in the Holy Quran that is dedicated to her. Inshaa Allah (God-willing), you would be able to stumble upon a book that is justified by women of faith under Islam.(less)

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